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The next morning..

Tre'zure woke up with a crook in her neck and her back was hurting. It was 6 in the morning. She had woke up so early because she was used to the schedule. At this point she didn't care if D was mad at her or not, she was getting in the bed. She slowly walked in the dark because she couldn't see anything. She turned on her flashlight and looked at the bed. D was all spread out so she moved his arm and leg and got in the bed.

"Why you sleep on the couch?" D asked in a groggily voice.

"Cause you was ignoring me for no reason." Tre spoke in a soft voice. She didn't feel like talking.

D sighed and pulled Tre close to him. She put her leg on him and he laid his head on her chest while they both drifted off to sleep.


5 hours later..

Tre woke up with D all up on her. She couldn't move and she had to go to the bathroom.

"Yo." Tre said as she shook him. He grunted and turned his head the other way.

"D get off me I gotta pee." Tre said as she tried to push him off of her.

He sighed and scooted to the other side of the bed. Tre got her phone and went to sit on the toilet. She had a couple miss calls from Alexis, some snapchats from some people, and two people mentioned her in their story. She screwed up her face and unlocked her phone. She wiped her self and got off as she entered snapchat.

Jamaya and some other girl mentioned her in their stories. She didn't even know she had them on snapchat. She watched Jamaya's first and it said, "@trebae are you mad that I fucked your nigga ?🤣 ✌🏽" Tre screwed up her face and watched the second girls story. She had screenshotted Jamaya's story and said, "Right! This hoe @trebae is really dumb💀 tryna be grown and done got her nigga fucked on🤣"

Tre put her phone down and washed her hands. She opened the rest of her snaps and it was people sending their stories to her. She took a picture of the floor and got to typing away, "@iammaya LMAO what nigga? Are you mad that I just beat your ass last night? And @Cassthebadass bitch do I need to remind you my cousin beat your ass for trying to jump in?😭 Then you got your ass DRAGGED by my young ass after🤷🏽‍♀️ You hoes tryna talk shit but why don't ya'll put your faces on your stories🤔 EXACTLY .. fuck off my shit if you don't want another round🙄."

She rolled her eyes and went into the living room to FaceTime Alexis.

Lexi : Bitch did you see what they posted?

Tre : Yea I posted on my story too.

Lexi : They big bold.

Tre : Bitch speaking about fighting, wussup with the you and Georgia situation? You ain't get to tell me since D snatched my phone.

Lexi : Girl so you know how we almost fought in freshman year?

Tre : Yea

Lexi : Ok so when I was with Dray and Leon we was talking about it and I told them she was scared of me cause when i would go face to face with her she would get all quiet. So we was cracking up about the situation and Dray recorded us and he was 'what you say Lex Lex?' and I was like 'That hoe ran to her bus and told her bus driver not to let me on' then I start mocking her, I was like 'Please bus driver she wanna fight me and I'm scared'.

Tre : Oh yeah. yo I remember that shit. That junk was mad funny.

Lexi : Right! Anyways so Georgia ass slide up on Dray post talking about some 'why she bringing up old shit?' Dray told me what she said and I was like 'Cus I can ~ Lex'

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