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Sunday evening..

With Alexis still not at home Tre'zure had nothing to do. She had her little cousin Ivory but all Ivory wanted to do was stay on the phone with her little boyfriend.

"Bro Ivo can you go in your room with all that shit? I don't wanna hear your conversation." Tre spoke up.

"Girl shut up, You just mad because you don't have a nigga to stay on the phone with." Ivory said as her boo snickered with her.

"Yo you really tryna show out in front of that nappy headed ass little boy. Don't get slapped trying to act hard." Tre said rolling her eyes.

"And get the hell out my room. Ya'll mad annoying talking bout some damn 'I love you' I bet ya'll just started talking two weeks ago." Tre said snickering to herself as she got on snapchat.

"Yo you really lame laughing at your own jokes stupid." Ivory said as she left the room.

Tre decided she was going to lip sync to 'Girls need love' on her snapchat to throw slugs at D.

I just need some dick 

I just need some love

Tired of fucking with these lame niggas

Baby I just need a thug.

She watched her video a million times over to maker sure she was looking cute. She added a couple stickers to the video and captioned it: Tired of fucking with these lame niggas🙄

She got bored after so she face timed her cousin, she didn't answer. She didn't want to just sit in her room all night so she decided she was going to go walk to the store. She had a 20 and she wanted to get some snacks for the road.

"Damn I need a job." Tre thought to herself.

She told her Aunt she was going to the store and left out. She went to her snap to see if D had watched it yet but he hadn't. She sighed and continued to walk in the cold. She looked at people on the corner begging for change and she thanked god that wasn't her after what had happened to her with her parents.

She entered 7-11 and instantly spotted D, she hated that she was very observant. She went to the opposite side of the store where all the nasty snacks were. She checked her snapchat to see if he watched it and he was the last person to watch it. She took a deep breath in and went to the aisle next to him to get some chips. She then went to the freezer area to get her a couple drinks. She took a peek over at him and saw him holding a little girls' hand.

"Daddy I get?" The little girl asked D. She was so cute to Tre'zure.

"No Lei you already got candy." D said clearly irritated.

"Why?" She asked him with a pouty face.

"Come on Lei Lei you already got candy it's time to go." D said trying to pull her away from the candy put she pulled back. She looked at him and calmly got on the floor and started to scream and throw a tantrum.

"No. Get yo ass up." He demanded as he scooped her up, dropped all the candy on the floor, and left.

Tre'zure stood at a daze. She had totally forgot she had saw Georgia's instagram post about D being her baby father, she just didn't know the baby was so cute. She felt so stupid trying to mess with a dude who has a kid. She deleted her snap on her story, went to grab the rest of her snacks, and proceeded to checkout.

She walked out and it was even colder than when she came in. She looked around for D's car and she didn't find it so he must've left. She got a text from her cousin and stopped to look at it.

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