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"Bruh hurry up Lex! We got 10 minutes to get to school and I only got my clothes on." Tre'zure yelled as she continuously knocked on the door. She hated banging because of what happened that night. Her and her cousin Alexis was starting their senior year of High School and they both were excited.

Alexis opened the door, "Damn Tre that knocking shit is mad annoying. Try that shit with somebody else, its too early." She said rolling her eyes.

"I know you gone stop cussing in my damn house. YOU try that shit with somebody house, the fuck." Her mother said from downstairs. She's got ears like a dog.

Lex smacked her lips, "Man, whatever." she said as she walked off. Lex wasn't a morning person at all. She really wanted to go back to bed but if she did that, she would've got a whooping.

Tre rolled her eyes and went in the bathroom to quickly get ready.

10 minutes later..

"Y'all got two minutes to get in the car, or I'm leaving all three of y'all!" Kim said going into her garage.

All of the girls came down stairs. "Man I don't understand why she don't just get us a fucking car. I mean I'm tired of fitting in that dusty ass Saturn." Lex complained as she grabbed a banana.

"Bitch one day, your mouth gone get you in trouble and ima be there for it." Ivory said as she scrolled down her timeline on instagram.

"Yo Tre, why THE fuck is this nobody ass freshman talking to me?" Lex questioned as she rolled her neck. She was the most sassiest of them all.

"My name Wes and I aint in that mess. Now i don't know about yall, but I hear that garage door opening and aunty aint about to leave me again." Tre said zooming to the Garage.

*At school..*

"Ok Ivo don't be telling no fucking body that we related to you and I'm deadass b." Lex said as they all walked inside the high school.

"And don't start no fucking mess, I'm too old to be fighting fresh fish bitches." Tre added with a mug on her face. She lied, she loved fighting no matter who it was.

"Bitch fuck you and you. I don't want nobody knowing I'm related to y'all stank pussy asses; and best believe if a bitch got me fucked up ima speak on it, period." Ivory stated walking in the other direction.

"Oh my god I can't stand that girl." Lex said as she laughed. They both walked to gym where they picked up their schedules.

"Ok let me see your schedule." Tre said trying to match the classes they got together.

"Wait bitch let me see too." Lex yelled as she looked over Tre's shoulder.

"Ok we got uhh second, C lunch, and eighth together." Tre said observing the schedule.

"What those classes is?" Lex said digging in her bag. She was looking for her headphones.

"Uhh second is food science and eighth is student aid. Ouuu bitch we gone be able to leave early!" Tre really wanted to go to sonic and get her a slush, hoping to see the fine ass nigga that worked there.

They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Tre made her way to Calculus class and she hummed to a song. She only remembered one part of the song and she had no idea why she sang it so much. As she headed inside the class and sat down by her associate Shay the teacher greeted the class.

"Hello everyone I'm Mr.Finnik and I will be your Calc teacher this year!"


Phone Convo :

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