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Christmas Eve..

Tre woke up stretching and yawning as she saw D sleeping peacefully beside. She checked her phone to see what time it was.


"Shit I gotta fill out that paperwork." Tre said to herself as she rushed out the bed to complete her paperwork she had to take to the doctors office at 8.

Today was the day she was gonna start radiation therapy. She was low key trying not to think about it since the doctor wasn't too worried about her diagnoses but with her luck she couldn't help it.

She spent the next 30 minutes or so filling out the booklet or paper work and also doing some light work on her project for school.

By the time she was done she decided to call herself a Uber to the doctors office because she didn't wanna ask D for a ride.

At the doctors office

"Okay Ms.Mays how have you been feeling?" The doctor asked her pressing down on her neck.

"I mean I been feeling fine other than my throat being sore but more so the outside not the inside. Like someone has been beating on it." She explained.

"Alright....haven't been noticing any changes in your voice right?" The doctor questioned while jotting notes down.

"No not really." Tre answered.

"Ok we just processed your paperwork you can go up and start therapy it'll take about an hour or so. A resident will meet you in there shortly it's in the therapy room on the second floor on the east wing." The doctor stated walking out the room with Tre before they parted ways.

As she made her way to the elevator she pulled out her vibrating phone out of her pocket.

Incoming call from MYMANNN🤍...

"Wussup." Tre said pressing the elevator button.

"Aye where you at ma?" D asked.

"I'm at my doctors appointment. Finna start therapy." Tre said dryly.

"Fuck I forgot that was today. Why you ain't wake me?" D asked shuffling around.

"No point I caught an Uber. Figured you was tired." She said walking out of the elevator.

"Man just because you mad don't mean you need to start acting like that towards me. You knew I wanted to be there for your first day." D said.

"Well." Tre said walking into the therapy room.

"Well what nigga don't be taking no fucking Ubers and stop with all that childish shit. I already told you what you needed to know and I told you I wasn't gone do it again. Atleast a nigga was honest to you instead of lying to you like some ho." D said irritably.

"Yea whatever. Look I just got in the therapy room ima hit you up when I'm done." Tre said hanging up in his face.

Tre looked around and instantly her heart dropped. She saw all kinds of people in here. Old, young, and around her age. Some were bald and some weren't, but they all looked sickly.

Damn it smell like cancer in here. She thought

She took a seat and put her AirPods in listening to summer Walker. She couldn't help but stop to stare at this one girl. She looked around her age and she looked like she had a curly wig on, granted it was laid. She had her makeup done and fresh clothes on.

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