Hey yall long timeee

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Ok so y'all I just published another PART and honestly I wrote the last part in like almost two hours granted it was rushed but I wanted to hurry and give y'all an up date cus it's what y'all deserved frfr. Ima work on the next part tonight and yall omg this bitch got over 70k reads whatttt it was not like this when I left frfr but fr this time I'm tryna see how many of y'all still with me on this book depending on that ima make a book two but I'm definitely finishing this one out! Depending on how many of y'all want a book two honestly I got two different endings. If we don't get enough votes for book two then the ending is gonna be jaw dropping and cliff hangingggg but if we do get enough votes..it's still gonna be jaw dropping and cliff hanging 😂 cus I'm dramatic like that but it's two different endings frfr so y'all let me know and don't be mad at me bookieessss life was lifeingggg I done had a whole baby and he will be 1 in September 🥺 let me know if y'all wanna see him although yall probably just care about the book anyway but lemme stop ranting on and write the next part for yall


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