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"So have you noticed anything different lately? Had any symptoms?" The doctor asked Tre as he felt around her neck.

"I don't think so." Tre said.

"Well that's normal in your case. Patients with this type of cancer usually don't have any symptoms. Mainly because we've caught the early stage of the cancer." The doctor explained while taking his gloves off.

Tre'zure has a type of Thyroid cancer called Medullary. It's formed in your neck which produced hormone calcitonin.

"Ok so doc what can you tell me about the symptoms i'm supposed to have?" Tre asked.

"Well patients usually suffer from a mere case of sore throat and neck pains. It gets mildly serious when you've heard a change in your voice or lumps in your neck, but nothing we can't fix with radiation therapy." The doctor explained to her.

"So when you say change in voice, does that mean my voice will get deeper or higher?" Tre asked as she jumped off the patient bed.

"Normally it would get deeper but in your case it's less likely to happen since we've caught it so early. That's why if you've noticed a voice change or lumps in your neck i need you to come in for an immediate checkup, you understand?" The doctor said.

"Ok. So when do we start treatment?" Tre asked.

"In about 2 weeks. You've barely been to the doctor over these past 17 years so over these two weeks we have to catch you up on your shots and such." The doctor explained while jotting notes on his clipboard.

"Ok and last question. I'm not gonna lose my hair right?" Tre asked worryingly.

"High unlikely Ms.Mays." The doctor said with a slight chuckle.

Tre nodded silently. It's been 3 weeks since she found out she had cancer and she's been in and out the hospital so they could make sure she was okay.

"You can go tell your aunt to sign you out now, we're all done here. The receptionist will tell you when your next appointment will be." The doctor said smiling.

"Thanks doc." Tre said as she left the room.

She looked at her aunt and walked to the front desk. She wasn't really speaking to her right now after what she did. She just bluntly told her that she had cancer and that didn't settle right with her.

"Hey what the doctor say?" D asked Tre as he walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He was there too, along with Lexi.

"Are you checking out?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes, Tre'zure Mays. I need to know when my next appointment is." She said as her Aunt signed papers.

"Okay one second." The receptionist said as she began typing.

"So basically he told me they're gonna start treatment in 2 weeks but i need to get caught up with my medical history first. Also my voice might get deeper depending on how bad the cancer is. But by the way he was talking he made it seem like there's nothing to worry about so Im not gonna worry." Tre explained to her family.

"Ok sweetie so today is Friday so your next appointment will be on Tuesday, will 12:00pm work?" The receptionist asked as she looked up.

"Uh yea ima just need a doctor's note that day, for school." Tre said.

"Okay here's your appointment card, i'll see you on Tuesday!" She said with a bright smile.

Tre nodded her head and walked off with her people.

"I still think you should come back home and not live with this grown ass man." Kim said as they all walked outside.

"Well you kicked me out and i'm not going back." Tre said rolling her eyes.

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