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11:00 PM Christmas Eve.. (mwah, no proofread)

"Daddy I can open presents now?" Leilani asked D jumping up and down excitedly.

"No Lei you gotta wait til 12." D said gluing this roof on his gingerbread house.

The three of them were making gingerbread houses amongst other Christmas decorations. D didn't want to at first but with Leilani begging and begging he finally gave in.

"Lei Lei why you don't have gum drops on your house?" Tre asked.

"Daddy ate all mine THAT'S WHY!" She screaming mugging her dad.

"Now why you eat all that girl gumdrops. You got snacks all in yo cabinet." Tre said scolding him.

"Man I ain't know them hoes was that good til I tried one." D said shrugging.

"Tre Tre please tell Daddy I can open a present now." Leilani said pouting.

Tre pondered herself into deep thought. She didn't want to overplay her roll she never messed with anyone with a kid before. She thought on how to respond with but she couldn't find the right words.

"Tre'zure you hear me?" Lei screamed waving her hand in Tre's face.

"Huh? Oh hold on baby I gotta go tinkle." Tre stated as she dotted to the master bedroom and locked the door.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, "What the hell are you doing dumbass bitch?" She thought to herself.

She did not know she was gonna end up in this predicament. I mean it could be worse but if she was gonna take someone serious she doesn't wanna not trust him. She thought hows he was stuck in a rock and a hard place because she really felt like she didn't have nowhere to go.

As she got into more deep thought she began to reflect on her life. She barely going to school because of her sickness but she got that taken care of because she doesn't play about her homework. She got this man that she lived with only knowing him for 5 months and she already madly in love with him and can't mentally leave him. She thought that he would wait for her but wholesome he probably been having sex with other girls. She was just being realistic and ready to set that as an expectation.

She wanted to deal with other boys but emotionally she's drained to participate in tic for tac. She decided tonight she's gonna sit down and talk to him and let him know what's the deals and hopefully he'll let her stay with him until she graduates and by that time she should have enough saved up to get her own place.

"Baby! What you doing in there taking a shit?" D yelled causing Tre to wipe her eyes quickly and fix herself up before walked back into the kitchen.

"Tadahhhhh! Look at my ginger house!" Lei yelled, she was so proud of her candy house.

"Oh that looks so good mama, you did way better than us!" Tre said hyping up the little girl.

"Daddy said I can open one present before I go to bed Tre. I need you to help me pick which one is the best." Lei stated.

"Okay let's go." Tre said while scooping her up off the counter and taking her to the Christmas Tree.

After Lei opened her one present, which was a toy Mercedes car, on to bed she went excited for tomorrow to open the rest. Tre was in the kitchen cleaning up listening to a quiet volume of summer walked on the speaker while D walked back in the kitchen to help.

"Man I'm tired my damn self eating all that damn candy." D joked.

Tre still continued to clean ignoring him. She knew she couldn't pick and choose when she was mad at him but, it would just pop up in her head too often and it would mostly be when D thinks shit is sweet.

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