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Same day.>>

"Why you been absent?" D asked Tre as they're waiting in the drop off line.

"Huh?" Tre asked fixating on her burger.

"You heard me. Why you ain't been in class?" D asked again.

"I don't even be absent, I be late. Instead of counting me tardy they count me absent." Tre said.

"Why you be tardy?" D asked as he slightly moved up in the line.

"The fuck is this, 21 questions?" Tre asked rolling her eyes.

"Shit if you want it to be. You better not be doing nothing you don't got no business doing." D said burning a hole in the side of Tre'zure's face.

"Nigga who are you? You have no authority over me." Tre said screwing up her face.

"I have authority over you if you my bitch and you living under my roof." D said.

"Not your bitch and didn't ask for your shelter." Tre said texting her cousins.

"Who you texting?" D asked trying to look into Tre's phone.

"Not your concern but Lex." Tre said rolling her eyes while locking her phone.

"Yo when you get home we need to have a serious talk." D said not realizing he called it her home, but she did.

She froze up and slowly looked at the window. Even though she wanted his commitment she was scared she was going to get bored with him, she got bored with all the niggas she would talk to.

She also didn't want her staying with him be permanent. She wanted to have her chance of having her own shit. She wanted to be able to say for herself she got her own shit at a young age.

"When I get to YOUR HOUSE, what do we need to talk about?" Tre asked keeping her eyes on the dashboard.

"I really have some things I wanna say to you and I think you have something you need to say to me too. We need to actually talk because you keep saying we not in a relationship as if it were true." D said.

"If you want to say something to me that's fine but it is true. When I said I was done two weeks ago I really meant it." Tre said hopping out the car and giving him a quick bye.

*Across the street*
5 minutes later..

"I was too damn scared them teachers kept looking at me and I thought they was finna catch me." Lexi said as she pulled out the blunt from her bag.

"Girl you so scary. I woulda did it at D house but he know what weed smell like and he don't want me smoking." Tre said as she lit the blunt.

"Girl when I was in mama car she kept asking what that smell was, I ain't doing that shit ever again." Lexi said, hitting the blunt.

They passed the blunt between themselves until ig was gone and walked back to school like nothing happened.

"Come on y'all, you know me and Lex don't eat here, let's go to sonic." Tre said to everyone sitting at the table. It was Dray, Leon, And Shamaya.

"What if we get caught?" Shamaya asked. She was kind of a goody too shoes when it came to school.

"We wont. Tre just want to go so she can see if that fine ass lightskin at work today." Lexi stated.

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