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2 weeks later..

"Bitch i'm so glad we get one Friday off a month." Lexi said to her cousin as she began to get dressed.

"Yea but bitch did you forget we don't got shit to do on this fine Friday cause we still on fucking punishment." Tre said as she reached for her phone, she was checking snapchat and stuff.

"Yea my bitch ass really thought we was gone be off a day later like we always do. Lets go give her a hug and tell her we love her." Lexi said and she put on some slides because the floors need sweeping.

They walked down the stairs and went into Kim's room. She was on the phone early in the morning so they thought they would just sit on her bed until she finished.

"But yea girl let me call you back and see what these bad ass kids want." She said as she ended the call and squinted her eyes.

Tre and Lexi both wrapped their arms around Kim and laid on her.

"Mommy we love you so much, we just wanted you to know that." Lexi said as she squeezed her mother tighter.

"And we appreciate everything you do, we just want you to know that too." Tre added as she looked up and batted her eyes.

"What the hell ya'll heifers want? And get ya'll asses off of me." Kim said screwing up her face.

"Okay so ma, it's been a long time since I've smelt fresh air and heard the birds chirp on the weekend." Lexi dramatically said while Tre cosigned with a nod.

"Oop problem solved, just look out your damn window." Kim said as she put on a fake smile and went to typing on her phone.

"Auntie can we just please be off punishment. I swear we'll never do it again." Tre pouted as she laid on her Auntie's shoulder.

"Maaan get out my room. Ya'll been off punishment since last Friday. Did I forget to mention?" Kim stated as she looked up deviously.


Tre and Lexi left the house to go to the court to see the men get naked and sweaty.

"Aye T lets make a bet." Lexi said as they arrived to the 3 o'clock game.

Ever since middle school they don't know how but at 3pm every Friday and Sunday, everybody knew to be there. Its been a habit ever since shit start happening at 3. They couldn't go Saturday since the park was closed that day, but this was the spot of kids the age of 16-25. This where all these young girls meet older niggas like Brody.

Brody was tall, black, and lanky. Everyone knew he stayed in the streets and been in them since he was 12 years old. He is now 22 and don't care how old a girl is, he'll fuck anything with a heartbeat and a coochie.

"Alright you know I always win but okay, tell me." Tre said as they took a seat on the bleachers watching the boys just shoot around till everyone get here.

"Whoever can get a taken nigga's number first wins. If you win, I'll do your dishes for a week and if I win, you gotta tell me who you left with at the party and what happened." Lexi said as she smirked.

Tre chuckled, "Damn you so eager to know but alright, have fun doing all my dishes." Tre said as they game began to start.

The place was crowded as usual. You had people all in the bleachers and people standing all on the sideline. People ain't come here just to watch niggas play; you got the group of thirsty girls, group of niggas shooting dice, group of freshmen trying to hang with the older kids, and you got the group of girls meeting up to fight somebody. Every weekend somebody tryna fight here because its a big crowd and they want attention on them.

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