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At the Police Station...

Tre looked around the cell with a disgusted face. Her and Alexis had been in there for a few hours along with 6 other girls. They were both really afraid of Kim finding out so none off them called her, even though they were supposed to be picked up by her hours ago.

"Last chance to make your phone calls, girl." The female Guard said she stood by the cell. Alexis and Tre looked at each other with a scared manner.

"So you can call mama, and I'll call Ivory." Alexis said as they both stepped out the cell. Alexis wasn't about the get yelled on the phone by her mom. She already knows she's angry and worried.

"NO bitch. Your mom, your phone call. Ima call Ivory." Tre said as she rolled her eyes and made her way to t he one telephone. Alexis sucked her teeth and started to shiver. Tre picked up the phone.

"Hello" Tre said as she began tapping on the wall.

"Who is this?" Ivory questioned. Tre knew she was going to answer because Ivory was a curious person and she would pick up an unknown call.

"It's Tre. Listen, me and Lex got into a fight with this dude and long story short we all ended up in jail. I need you to tell Aunt Kim that she has to come pick us up or we can't leave." Tre said all in one breath.

Ivory gasped. "Bitch I know you fucking lying. Mama been bugging the fuck out. When I tell her what the fuck went down, yall gone get fucked up. We'll be down there." Ivory said as she chuckled and hung up the phone.

"I still gotta talk to mama?" Alexis asked nervously. She was awfully scared of her mother for some reason.

"No but we sure are getting our ass beat so lets try to make it seem like we wasn't doing or saying shit." Tre plotted as they both walked in the cell.

The question room ( Idk whats it called )...

"So can you tell me the full story on what happened Ms.Mays?" The officer questioned Tre.

"Ok so I was in McDonalds getting ready to order when all of a sudden that man barged his way in front of me. He yelled at the employee for them to fix his food and I politely told him that there are others waiting and he needs to go to the back of the line. We started arguing, he got too much in my face, I pushed him, and we started fighting." Tre said not telling them the full story. She wasn't going to press charges or anything, but she wasn't about to just snitch on her and her cousin like that.

"Ok. Well we have to go on your word because Mr.Quake refuses to talk without a lawyer present, so your free to go. Your guardian is waiting outside the door." The officer said with a smile on his face.

Tre'zure let out a sigh of relief until she realized what the officer had just say. She was very afraid of what her aunt might say or do, but she had to go out there because Alexis was with her and she knows she already had her ass handed to her.

"And you better be very fucking happy we in this damn police station or your ass would've been beat and I don't know what the fuck y'all was thinking!" Kim yelled at daughter with fury. She then looked up and saw Trezure and walked over to her.

"You gone hear it in the damn car , get yo ass in the damn car!" Kim said with pursed lips. She didn't understand the full story, but she also didn't want to hear it.

Tre'zure rolled her eyes without her aunt looking and dragged herself to the car. This was going to be a long ride..

Back at the house..

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