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1 1/2 months later..

It is now the start of thanksgiving break and Tre and Alexis are happy as ever. Alexis and Mike fuck all time and they are happy with where they are right now. Tre and D are good kind of. They always get mad at each other for little petty things, they always overcome it though.

"You got a ride to the mall while you over here in my ear tryna ask for some money?" Kim told Tre.

"Yes ma'am. I just need 60 dollars." Tre pleaded to her aunt.

"Oh hell no! Money don't grow on trees girl, you getting 35 cause that's all I have, I don't carry cash." Kim said pulling the money out her wallet.

Tre wanted to bring some money to the mall herself just in case D ain't pay for her movie ticket. They were going to go see Halloween at 9:15. She didn't want to have high expectations and then look stupid when he doesn't pay for it.

"But I wanted to get me a new phone case with the money I have left over with the ticket. And the ticket is 11 dollars itself, the food is high and everything." Tre bargained.

"I don't give a fuck. Maybe if you had a job then we wouldn't be in this situation right now. Now get this money and get out before I change my mind." Her aunt said.

Tre grabbed the money and went outside to wait for D to pull up. Alexis already went with Mike as soon as school got over with. She asked her mom if she could spend the night at her friend's house and she said yes so she's staying with him for the weekend.

It was too cold outside so she had facetimed D on her Iphone 8+.

Tre : Yo where you at? Its cold as fuck.

D : Man I think I'm lost.

Tre : Oh my god i'm about to send you my location.

D : Yo you gave me the wrong damn address. This why I should've picked you up at your school cause I know where that bitch at.

Tre : Okay hurry up son my ass is freezing.

Boop Boop Boop (I know face time don't make that noise no more but I like it)

"I know this motherfucker did not just hang up on me." Tre said screwing her face up at the phone.

After seeing D pull up she got in and answered her phone.

"Yea Lexi..whats tea bitch..I know you fucking lying..ya'll finna fight right now?..oh well let me know when ya'll d-" Tre conversed with Lexi before getting her phone snatched.

"Yo Lexi, she gone have to call you back." D said as he ended the call.

"What the fuck you do that for?" Tre asked.

"I'm over here waiting for you to greet me and you on the phone talking about dumb shit." D confronted.

Tre sighed. She didn't feel like arguing with him today so she just said nothing and she also could understand where he was coming from.

"Can I have my phone back now?" Tre asked with a soft face. She just wanted to have a normal date with him and not argue.

D furrowed his brows, "Give me a kiss." He demanded.

Tre leaned in and started to kiss him. Thanks to all kinds of Youtube videos and porn, Tre now knows how to tongue kiss. She was determined so she had done a lot of research the night he dropped her off at the park. He added tongue and so did she. She then pulled away to breath.

"Here you go." D said showing his braces, his bands were navy blue now.


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