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The girls hadn't even stepped in the house for a full 5 minutes and it had already gotten hectic in the house. Kim and Khalil had flipped out on the girls for not telling anyone they were going anywhere and Kim had got right on Alexis' ass for coming back too late. Ashley, Ju's mom, didn't care one bit because at the end of the day she was 18 and could do what she wanted most of the time.

"Y'all just think ya'll grown now that you done got down here huh?" Kim asked Alexis and Tre.

Tre screwed up her face, "Chill out yo." Tre said.

"Nah you chill out yo. You gone show me some motherfucking respect in this hoe! You ain't about to get smart with me cause I'll have you right back in a choke hold." Kim said making gangster faces.

Tre looked at her Aunt in disgust. She swear she did something by choking Tre but her face said otherwise. Even though it's not as bad as it was before, her eye was a little purple from the fight. She had a scratch under her eye and had a small knot on her forehead. All Tre got was a couple of choke marks and they had been long gone by now.

"Choke me then!" Tre said loosing her cool getting mad all over again. She dropped her to-go box on the couch along with her phone and walked up to her Aunt.

Kim just mugged her niece before saying something no one ever thought she would say.

"When we touch down, I want you and your shit out of my fucking house. You ain't my kid so you can step." Kim said before she looked Tre up and down and walked off.

"I would've fucked you up if you wasn't already fucked up. Dumb broad." Zionne said to her sister.

"It's ok Aunt Z. Don't nobody wanna live in that tired ass apartment anyways. Roaches be having sex and shit." Tre said as she made her way upstairs.

"Watch your mouth!" Zionne's boyfriend said to Tre'zure. They were cool and he was like a second uncle to her.

————————————————————————Thanksgiving Dinner ; At the table ~4:15pm

Today was the day Tank came and it would now be time for the drama to start between Ivory and the twins. As was said before no one likes the twins and their not to fond of Tank either. All you could hear was the click clack of the forks and knives at the table.

"So..everybody like the dressin'?" Ashley asked trying to get rid of the tension.


"I'll get it!" Ashley said as she practically ran out the room to get the door.

Everyone just ate in silence as she went to get the door. They were either too mad to talk or too scared to.

"Look who's here." Ashley said in a bored tone going back to her seat.

"Hey family!" Tank squealed as she got to her seat.

"Why everybody so quiet?" She asked obliviously.

"Girl a lot happened." Nevaeh said to her sister.

"Like what?" Tank asked intriguingly.

"Nothing. Eat your food Tank." Khalil cut their conversation off.

"Well hello to you too daddy." Tank said sarcastically as she whispered to her sister to tell her later and put the food in her mouth.

Quietness is how the whole dinner went for everyone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After Dinner 5:04pm

"That shit was awkward as fuck." Ju commented as they called chilled in her room. Ivory had came in there because she claimed she didn't feel like beating Tank's ass today.

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