Chapter 1

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Screams could be heard in the hallway coming from a certain brunette who was running away for his life. Well he was the one who thought it would be a great idea to cover his rival's locker with slime without knowing it contained some of the most important papers of his rival.

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I know it was out of line okay? I'll never do it again" jungkook said while trying to pull his best innocent face.

" Fuck off! Bold of you to assume I'm going to trust your bunny looking ass"

" From where do I look like a bunny? I'm the most handsome and popular guy in this school if you didn't know"

" You are the most popular guy? You used to be before I took the title, do I need to remind you that this is how our rivalry started?"

There was no need of reminder. Jungkook knew it pretty well. He also knew that stealing the title was just an excuse to start a rivalry. The real reason was that this guy made jungkook feel emotions he'd rather not feel, so he decided to do what any sane person would you. Yes. Start a rivalry.

" Kim just go away, we both know I'm still the most popular person, no matter a guy or girl, everyone will be on their knees for me if I want them to "

" Yeah like your asexual ass would ever want someone on their knees for you."

' I'd want you to be on your knees tho' jungkook thought but soon realized what he thought and furrowed his brows.

" Asexual? Just because I don't let anyone get into my pants doesn't mean I'll never want someone to. I have some standards you know? I won't just fuck the first person who throws themselves on me." Jungkook said and walked away leaving taehyung alone.

Taehyung did agree with jungkook. He can have anyone on their knees for me. Maybe it's the way he looks or his aura. Just something about him was so majestic. The way he carries himself with confidence. It seems almost otherworldly. Not that taehyung would agree or something he's just sayin.

Jungkook is good in almost everything. Sports, arts, music, studies. Anything. He has so much knowledge. Some people also call him a vampire because of his beauty and also his speed. But to tae that's just bs. Vampires, werewolves, whatever it may be, they don't exist.

Taehyung just ignored his thoughts and started going out of school. After all he's leaving in a week. Yes he's leaving, moving away to Las Angeles. For how many years, he doesn't know. All he does know is that he's supposed to take over his father's business and his father wants him to get higher knowledge in another country. As much as tae doesn't admit, he's going to miss this bunny looking headass and also Jungkook's group with whom he bonded so well even if a certain brunette doesn't like it.

Taehyung just hopes this one week will go by without any troubles from jungkook. He wants to spend this week nicely with jungkook. Who knows when they'll see eachother again.
' why do I want to spend a nice time with him? I hate him'.

" Hyunggggggggggg you know he's leaving righttttttttt? Who am I gonna annoy now?" Jungkook whined to jimin while placing his head on his shoulder.

" The way you are whinning and the way you talk about him really makes me think you love him or something."

" Pfft love? That's just bs hyung I won't fall for a human, we're loyal to our mates if you didn't know"

" What if your mate is a human?" Jimin asked but continued " wait that's not possible, you're the strongest of all. Vampire + werewolf hybrid, you'll have a true mate. And having human mates is really rare, the last werewolf to have a human mate was so many decades ago."

" Didn't his mate die because of getting marked? Anyways i know what you're trying to say. You're saying what if " taehyung " is my mate? Don't make me laugh Jimin, if he were my mate I would find out by now, my wolf didn't say anything and also it's not like I want him to be my mate." Jungkook huffed and looked away.

" Yeah yeah" Jimin smirked and continued with his work.

' I don't want him, do I? No I don't. I just find him a little bit attractive because he is. Yeah nothing more than that."

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