Chapter 2

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" Jungkook this is the last time I'm doing something dumb with you." Taehyung warned jungkook while climbing over the fence.

" Dude you'll have some advantage too, you don't want to fail your last exam here do you?" Jungkook said.

They were here to steal the question paper of the next test from the teacher's office. It was 11pm at night and they were sure no one would be here. They also knew that Mrs.Lee always kept the papers in her cupboard in the office.

They're both top students and they don't usually cheat but they've only took a few classes of this subject this school year. Both of them hate chemistry from their bones so they made this super intelligent plan to steal the papers.

" I think someone is in the office" taehyung stopped suddenly while jungkook bumped into his back. He was about to say something but saw someone using a flashlight in the office like they're searching for something.

" Shit I forgot about the security guard!!" Jungkook said panicking and taehyung was shocked at how dumb someone can be even tho he himself didn't think of this. Before taehyung could say something jungkook just took his hand and went in to the theater room which was the first room they saw. They didn't realize that the sound of their footsteps alerted the security guard.

" Who's there??" They heard and looked here and there to find some place to hide but the only suitable place to hide was a small closet which can barely fit both of them but they didn't have time to think so they both tried to fit in the closet.

" Move closer bitch we don't have enough space, I'm not going to bite you" taehyung whisper shouted but jungkook tried to create as much space between them as possible which was futile because the closet was really packed.

Taehyung had enough of it and pulled jungkook closer by his waist.
" Shhh." He whispered before jungkook could say something and right at that moment the security guard came in the room. He moved his flashlight here and there to see if someone's in the room or not, he couldn't find anyone so he moved towards where the closet was but Thank God he walked past it and didn't look inside. Both taehyung and jungkook were holding their breaths. The security guard moved towards the door after searching for some time.

" I'm a top" jungkook mumbled.
" That's random but me too" taehyung smirked. And jungkook had no doubt. He knew taehyung is a top. The way he looks, his dominant aura everything about him screams " TOP" that's another reason they can't be in a relationship not that jungkook would want that or something, he's just thinking.

" Did you fart?"
" What the fuck??????"


They both entered the teacher office after making sure the security guard was gone. Taehyung moved towards the cupboard and jungkook soon followed behind. As soon as he turned around he bumped his head into Jungkook's because jungkook was standing so close.

" What the hell" taehyung said while rubbing his head. As soon as he looked up, he realized how close they both were and the intensity with which jungkook was looking at him.
The darkness in the room and the moonlight coming from the window really did justice to Jungkook's beauty. His beautiful eyes, nose , lips. Taehyung was dazed.
" Why're you looking at me like that?" Taehyung whispered.
" Why are you looking at me like that, taehyung?" Jungkook said while moving closer.
" Like what?" Taehyung said while his eyes were on Jungkook's lips.
" Like you want to kiss me."
" Would you like that? Would you like it if I kissed you,jungkook?"
" Maybe" jungkook said and that's all it took for taehyung to pull him closer by placing a hand on his nape and attach their lips together.

Their lips fit so perfectly together, like they were made for eachother. Taehyung took the lead and took jungkook bottom lip between his teeth while jungkook snapped back to reality and held tae's waist to pull him closer. Jungkook held his waist tightly making taehyung gasp, giving jungkook the perfect opportunity to slip his tounge inside taehyung's mouth. They both fought for dominance and in the end jungkook won and led the kiss while pulling taehyung impossibly closer. Taehyung threaded his hands in Jungkook's hair and tilted his head to kiss better. Both of them felt so amazing, kissing someone has never felt so better.

Soon they pulled away and taehyung used his thumb to wipe Jungkook's lips.

" Well that was something." Taehyung chuckled and jungkook followed along.

" Now let's go before the security guard comes back." Saying this both took the question paper and left.

Having kissed taehyung was enough for jungkook and same goes for taehyung. Both felt contended. The fact it was their first kiss made it more special but none of them felt the need to mention it. Maybe this kiss made both of them realize somethings they weren't accepting before.

Along with all the happy feelings jungkook felt, deep down there was also some guilt for his unknown mate.

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