Chapter 19

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Taehyung groaned as he opened his eyes, he got up and his head felt like it was about to burst. ' just how much did we drink?' he thought and tried to remember what happened yesterday and how is he in Jungkook's room. And then he remembered.... ' we kissed....we kissed...WE KISSED' he was internally squealing forgetting about his headache.

He layed down again, this time with a stupid smile on his face, thinking about their kiss. But what should he do now? Should he just pretend that nothing happened? He surely can't pretend like nothing happened and that it was a mistake, because it wasn't. At least not for him. He is sure about his feelings, always has been. But what about jungkook? He broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago, is he really ready for something else? Has he even moved on? Taehyung doesn't want to be someone's rebound or to be with someone who's not completely sure about him, he's sure that Jungkook's too good to make him a rebound. But what if jungkook was just drunk and it happened in the heat of the moment? What if jungkook doesn't remember it? Those were his thoughts.

Taehyung decided to stop overthinking and just go downstairs to talk to Jungkook about it. He won't assume anything, not before hearing what jungkook has to say.

" Will we be in a relationship now? I'm sure I gave him a hickey" Taehyung giggled, hiding his face in his hands, rolling on the bed, feeling like a teenager all over again.

He got up and made his way to the bathroom, to freshen up and took Jungkook's clothes from his closet. He hopes jungkook won't mind.

After feeling fresh, he decided to go out and finally talk to Jungkook about their kiss. He couldn't see jungkook so he assumed jungkook was in the kitchen, as he moved towards the kitchen he could hear some voices which soon stopped. As he moved closer, he saw something he's sure he'll never forget.

A girl in Jungkook's arm, his lips on hers. They're kissing. Taehyung couldn't process anything. Is this really happening? Taehyung could feel something in his chest and suddenly he felt like he was a teenager again, the same feeling he got back then after being left alone. He's getting the same ache in his chest, caused by the same person, the only different thing is their age now.

Taehyung was just frozen in his place when he saw jungkook looking at him in shock and pushing the girl away. He didn't know what to do. Should he just pretend he didn't see anything and that his heart isn't hurting? pretend everything is normal. So he decided to do just that.

" I'm s-sorry, I just came to inform jungkook that I'm going, sorry for disturbing you." He tried to smile but couldn't, and just left, leaving jungkook there.

He could feel tears in his eyes as he sat down in his car. He tried to blink them away and chuckled. Hope. He had hoped for something again and look what he got. Was he really dumb as Jungkook had said few years ago?

Why did he have some hope that jungkook will come after him? Why did jungkook even kiss him? Is it all a joke to him? Playing with someone's emotions for the second time?

There was anger in his heart now along with the hurt. He won't let jungkook play him again. He has been too blind in Jungkook's love, failing to notice that other might not feel the same.

" Why am I so hurt and angry? We're not even in a relationship, I was just ..." He chuckled when he couldn't find the words, what was he seriously? What was he to Jungkook?

" I was just dumb." He whispered.


Author's note: Y'all we have 1K+ reads!!!how?!?!? I'm shocked, thankyou for reading everyone, Love you guys<33333333

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