Chapter 15

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Jungkook and taehyung were just catching up and taehyung was telling him about his time in LA, they became normal with eachother so fast and were talking comfortably now.

" So...." Taehyung stretched out.

" So?" Jungkook spoke while chuckling.

" Do you have someone in your life now? Like a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Taehyung asked and jungkook was quite taken aback by this question, what was he supposed to say? He does have hyejin but how can he tell taehyung this?

" Um yeah I do, I have a girlfriend." Jungkook said because he obviously couldn't tell him that she's his mate.

" What about you?" Jungkook asked.

" No, no one at the moment. I want to focus on the company for now."

" Yeah, that's a good decision." Jungkook said a bit too cheerfully and it was suspicious.

After talking for a bit more, they decided to call it a day and go back.

" See you soon then?" Taehyung said leaning in for a hug.

" Yeah." Jk said while hugging taehyung and he felt at peace.


Jungkook was going to meet hyejin because according to yoongi she " misses" him and wants to spend time together.

He also wanted to talk about them ending their relationship or whatever they had because hyejin should find someone else instead of him so she can be happy. So he guessed that this meeting was necessary.

Jungkook soon reached her house and she welcomed him in and they sat on the living room couch.

" Where were you?" Hyejin suddenly asked and jungkook was confused.

" I was just at my house." Jungkook replied still confused.

" Your house? You think I'm a fool?"

" What are you talking about?"

" Are you meeting with someone behind my back!? Do you have someone that you like!?!" She was straight up shouting at this point.

" Behind your back- wha- what are you talking about?" He was just getting more and more confused.

" Jungkook we both love eachother, you should spend time with me!!"

" Why are you shouting? And you know that i don't have any feelings for you!"

" Why??? I'm your mate jungkook, you're supposed to love me!! You are supposed to be mine!!"

" Hyejin, you knew that I always wanted to reject you, but you were the one who told me to give you a chance, which I did and it didn't work, I still feel nothing for you." Jungkook said trying to remain calm and communicate with her calmly.

" You led me on jungkook!! Why were you so nice with me then?" Hyejin said with tears in her eyes.

" Led you on? What are you talking about? I was clear with my intentions from the beginning, I never faked interest in you, you knew what you were getting yourself into, so don't put this on me. And about the kindness you're talking about, I'm kind with everyone, I treat everyone the same way that I treat you and that doesn't mean I'm " leading" them on."
Jungkook said and got up from the couch, ready to leave.

" I should've done this sooner but we're over hyejin. Whatever it was, I don't want to be with you anymore, my heart can't accept you, I'm sorry." Jungkook said and left her house without looking back, if he looked back he would've noticed hyejin standing there with tears in her eyes, not of sadness but of anger and frustration, with her face supporting a creepy smirk.

" You are going to be mine jungkook. Whether you like it or not. We're destined to be together."

 𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘔𝘠 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌 // 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now