Chapter 26

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After Jungkook settles on the couch, they talk for a bit before taehyung gets up.

" I'll cook something for us" taehyung says moving to the kitchen and jungkook follows him.

" What are you making?" Jungkook asks.

" I'm thinking of pasta?" He says and Jungkook's eyes light up.

" Can I make it? I make the best pastas!" Jungkook smirks, rolling his sleeves and putting the water pot on the stove for it to boil, taehyung just looks at him as he cooks with complete focus. As Jungkook puts the pasta in the pot, he watches closely as it's boiling, taehyung smirks, moving behind him.

" How's it going?" Taehyung whispers, putting a hand on Jungkook's waist and putting his chin on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook stiffens a bit before relaxing.

" Good" he replies simply before adding the spices in the pasta and other stuff, all while taehyung's hand is on his waist but tries not to focus on it(fails). Soon the pasta is done and taehyung removes his hand and puts the pasta in the plates.

" Thankyou, darling." Before Jungkook can comprehend what's happening, he feels taehyung's lips on his cheek for a moment before taehyung walks away to the table. He feels his cheeks heat up as he follows taehyung, sitting on the table silently and starting to eat.

Taehyung smirks, knowing the effect he has on Jungkook, but its just the start. He starts eating as well and soon they're both finished and taehyung's washing the dishes, the atmosphere oddly domestic. Taehyung finds it adorable how Jungkook just follows him around silently.

After washing the dishes, they move to the living room again, sitting on the couch. Taehyung leans back on the couch, running a hand through his hair.

" The food was really good, thankyou"

" You're welcome!" Jungkook smiles shyly.

" It's a bit hot in here, isn't it?" Taehyung hides his smirk as he unbuttons his shirt a bit more, revealing a bit of his firm chest.

Jungkook blushes, looking away. " Y-yeah, it certainly is."

" Are you blushing?" He asks and jungkook looks like a deer caught in headlights.

" Blushing? Me? Pfft no" Jungkook laughs awkwardly, looking at taehyung's blank face as taehyung moves closer to him.

" I don't like liars, sweetheart" taehyung runs his fingers through Jungkook's hair and jungkook closes his eyes, leaning into his touch. Soon taehyung's hand moves to his cheek, caressing it before cupping it, the other caressing the mole under Jungkook's bottom lip.

" I love this mole, Jungkook." Taehyung says, still caressing the area.

" Yeah?"

"Yeah" he nods. " Can I kiss it?" Taehyung asks looking into his eyes, Jungkook blushes for the nth time before nodding, how can he say no?

Taehyung smirks, moving closer before pressing an innocent kiss on the mole, the kisses becoming anything but innocent as he travel down Jungkook's neck. Jungkook bites his lip to stop himself from moaning. Taehyung moves the kisses to his face again, pressing his lips on his jaw and on the corner of his lips, teasing him.

Jungkook grits his teeth and without a warning, holds the back of taehyung's head as he presses their lips together, he grabs a handful of taehyung's hair, his other hand moving to his waist, pulling taehyung on top of him, on his lap as he continues to kiss him, holding his waist tightly.

Jungkook tilts his head, kissing deeper, moaning a bit when taehyung reciprocates, he bites on taehyung's bottom lip softly before licking it, asking for permission which is granted as taehyung parts his lips, their tounges colliding together. His kisses are passionate and rough, not afraid of show how much he wants him and taehyung reciprocates with the same passion, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's neck.

Soon, they both pull away, breathing heavily. Before Jungkook can utter a word, taehyung kisses him again, this time taking a lead, Jungkook doesn't mind, wrapping a hand around his waist while the other travels to his neck, resting there without applying any pressure. Soon taehyung pulls away from the kiss, resting his forehead against Jungkook's, breathing heavily.

They stay on the couch, cuddling for a few minutes which turn into hours as they watch a movie. Soon jungkook receives a call from namjoon asking him to come over as he wants to talk about something, he begrudgingly parts from taehyung, not before giving numerous soft kisses on his face.

As he enters his car, he notices that J has been exceptionally silent, didn't he want them to makeout so bad? He was expecting J to be squealing but instead he's silent. But soon as J speaks, Jungkook wishes that J should've just remained silent instead of dropping this bombshell on him.


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