Chapter 23

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Jungkook was on his way to hyejin's house to confront her and make things clear once and for all. As he knocks the door, hyejin opens it almost instantly. As if she was waiting for him all this time.

" So you're finally here, huh?" She asks, scoffing slightly.

" You know why i am here, hyejin." Jungkook says sternly.

" Let's go inside, we need to talk." Hyejin says and jungkook follows her into the house, albeit hesitantly, sitting on the couch.

" Why did you do that?"

" Do what?" She says, looking away.

" Don't act stupid, we both know what I'm talking about." Jungkook says with a blank face. "Why did you kiss me?"

" You're my mate! Am i not allowed to kiss you!?" She says angrily.

" No you're not! I told you a thousand times that I don't want to be with you and I was respectful too unlike you."

" Don't do this, jungkook. We are mates, we are meant to be together. The time we spent together, did it mean nothing to you? You can't say that you never loved me!" She says, looking a bit angry but broken at the same time.

" I'll ask some questions, just answer yes or no. Did I ever make you feel like I loved you?"

" W-well you-"

" Yes or No, hyejin." Jungkook says, speaking in a strict voice.

" N-no."

" Did I ever hug you?"

" No."

" Did I ever kiss you?"

" N-no"

" Did I ever say I wanted to be with you?"

" No."

" Did I ever say I loved you?"

" N-no" she says looking down, speaking in a quiet voice.

" Did I ever give you any false hope?"


" Was I clear from the beginning that I probably won't be able to love you and that we shouldn't be in a relationship?"

" Yes, you were clear with your intentions" she whispers. " But am I in the wrong for hoping that I could make you love me?"

" Yes." Hyejin looks at him, not expecting this answer. " The thing is, you can't make someone love you. They either do or they don't. Hoping that you can change someone is foolish. People love you if they want to, not because you make them love you."

Hyejin keeps looking at him, having gotten a harsh reality pill.

" Well, just because you're moving on, doesn't mean I'm going to just let that happen." Hyejin glares at him.

" Why? Why is it so hard for you to let go? You can find someone who actually loves you." Jungkook says standing up.

" I don't want someone who loves me! I want you! Why can't you understand that!?" Hyejin says angrily.

" The same way you can't seem to understand that I don't want to be with you! That I don't love you!" Jungkook says walking towards the door.

" Come back here!" She screams, jungkook ignores her, opening the door. " You belong to me jeon Jungkook!"

Jungkook pays no mind to her as he finally walks out of her house, leaving her shouting. He has finally realized there's no use in trying t talk with her. As he sits in the car and reaches his house. He can hear his wolf's voice inside his head but faintly.

As the voice gets clearer and jungkook listens to what his wolf has to say, he's shocked but confused at the same time.


Sorry for not posting for a while, I didn't post cz of Ramadan, but I'll make sure to upload once or twice a week from now on. And also Happy Eid to the people who celebrate <33

Also, what do you think Jungkook's wolf said?

And thank you for 2.2K+ reads!!

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