Chapter 20

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As Jungkook woke up and looked beside him, he could see taehyung still sleeping peacefully. Jungkook had the most peaceful sleep last night, he doesn't remember the last time he slept this good.

He turned to his side and was face to face with taehyung as he bought his hand up to taehyung's cheek and caressed it lightly, looking at him with fondness. Taehyung was so beautiful even when he was sleeping. Deciding to make breakfast jungkook got up, but not before kissing taehyung's forehead and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

After that he went to the kitchen and thought about what taehyung would like. Maybe strawberry pancakes? He's sure taehyung would love them. He was in his thoughts when he heard the bell ring, confusedly he went to check who it was and opened the door only to be shocked. Hyejin. What was she doing here? Hasn't he made it clear that he doesn't want anything to do with her?

Overcoming his initial shock he said " why are you here?"

" Won't you invite me in, kook?" Hyejin said in a soft voice.

" Look, now's not the right time and I don't have anything to talk about with you."

" Just one last time, I have something important to talk about with you, I won't bother you again." Jungkook was about to say No when she pushed past him and went inside.

" Did you have someone over?" Hyejin said trying to hide her jealousy, looking at the empty snacks and beer bottles on the floor.

" None of your business, and get out please." Jungkook said going to the kitchen because he should start making breakfast as hyejin followed him.

" You know that you can't breakup with me right?"

Jungkook just looked at her with a raised brow, " I can breakup with you and I did."

" You can't!! We're mates, we can't just leave eachother!!" Hyejin said loudly.

" Keep your voice low and being mates doesn't mean that I'll automatically start loving you, I didn't love you for years and I won't love you even in the future, so stop living in your delusions and find someone who'll actually love you, being mates doesn't mean I'll let myself be unhappy forever just because of a mere title." Jungkook said hoping that she won't talk loudly this time, he doesn't want taehyung to wake up.

" Mere title?? You and I both know how important relationships between mates are, don't act like what we had meant nothing to you!!"

" What we had? And enlighten me about what we had, because I'd like to know. As far as I know I've always been clear with my intentions and that I don't love you, I've never given you any false hope, I can't be with someone I'm not in love with." Jungkook spoke hoping she'd understand.

" You love someone else don't you?" Jungkook stayed silent, there's no point in telling her.

" I can be better than her!! I can love you more than she can ever, just be mine and give me another chance, we're meant to be together jungkook, we're fated." Hyejin said as she moved uncomfortably close to him. She could soon hear some footsteps and she knew it was probably the girl jungkook loved so she did something she had always wanted to do.

She cupped Jungkook's cheek and pressed her lips on his forcefully, while jungkook widened his eyes, he put his hands on her shoulders to push her back, but before he could, he saw taehyung standing there, looking absolutely shocked and broken.

" I'm s-sorry, I just came to inform jungkook that I'm going, sorry for disturbing you." Jungkook could see how he was trying to smile before he went away and his heart ached. He was about to run after taehyung, explain everything but before he could, he felt someone holding his arm. He tried to pull his arm back in anger but she just held it more tightly.

" So he's the one, huh?" Hyejin scoffed. " I'm a thousand times better than him, I'm fated with you, I can give you anything, I can even give you something he can never, we'll have our own kids-" before she could complete her sentence she was pushed back and she hit the kitchen counter, wincing she looked at jungkook, who looked angry, probably the most angry she has ever seen him.

" Do not speak another word." he threatened. " I'm letting you go this time but if I see you again, it won't end well for you and that's a promise." Saying this he ran away, leaving her wincing in pain as she also made her way out, she can go back now, she has done what she wanted to do.

As jungkook ran towards where he knew taehyung's car was parked, he couldn't see any car. Taehyung already left.

" I won't let any misunderstanding ruin the progress we have made, just trust me this time taehyung". jungkook whispered.


Author's note:

It's our sunshine's birthday today, happy birthday hobiii!!!!!


What are your thoughts about hyejin? Is she in the right?

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