Chapter 8

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Jungkook felt like his head was about to burst. It was a weird kind of headache. He felt like something in his brain wanted to come out but he didn't know what.

As soon as taehyung left the office, he fell onto the floor holding his head. He didn't understand how he suddenly had this strong headache. He rarely ever had headaches.

His eyes were also changing colours simultaneously between ruby and purple. He tried to get up but felt like he couldn't move and all he could do was to hold his head and lay on the floor while tightly shutting his eyes.

Meanwhile taehyung was going to exit the company but he suddenly realized that he left his mobile in Jungkook's office. He didn't want to go back but still had to. He made his way to Jungkook's office and opened the door without knocking. The sight ahead of him surprised him.

Jungkook on the floor, holding his head and squirming in pain, his eyes were shut. Taehyung hurriedly ran to him.

" Hey, Jungkook what happened? What's happening" he tried to get jungkook to sit up but it was a really hard task as jungkook wasn't compromising at all. He took Jungkook's head and placed it on his lap, and threaded his fingers through his hair hoping to provide some comfort.

" Should I call an ambulance?? You're worrying me." Taehyung said and jungkook mumbled something he didn't understand so he bought his face closer to Jungkook's.

"What?" He said trying to hear what jungkook was mumbling.

" Call Nam-joon please" he said weakly and taehyung obeyed almost instantly. Dialing Namjoon's number and informing him about the situation.

Soon namjoon was in the office and took jungkook from taehyung.

" I can handle this, you can go now." He said, taehyung didn't want to leave but he knew he wasn't on good terms with jungkook to stay here, he couldn't help but get worried, pushing all his thoughts in the back of his mind, he made his way into his office.

Meanwhile, Namjoon was trying to wake jungkook up because it looked like he's going to lose consciousness soon, but failed to do so as Jungkook's body slumped over him and jungkook fell unconscious.

Time skip~

Namjoon was in Jungkook's apartment, with his husband jin who is also a doctor, sitting next to jungkook who had been out for a few hours now.

His health is completely fine and namjoon is worried about how miserable he looked.
After a few minutes jungkook woke up and looked at them silently. They waited for him to explain.

" What happened with you, kook? Are you about to have your rut?" Jin asked while stroking his hair.

" No hyung, I've never felt like this before, I know my rut isn't approaching, I don't know what it was, it felt like something in my mind was trying to come out and my head was hurting alot."

Both jin and namjoon looked at eachother in shock. Both had the same thing in their mind. They didn't know how to tell jungkook this.

" Jungkook."

" I think your wolf is trying to come out."


Author's note: y'all, if you like this story, vote and comment<3 anygays, Jungkook's werewolf eye colour is ruby/maroon while his vampire side's colour is purple.

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