Chapter 24

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As jungkook hears what his wolf has to say, he's confused, mad and sad at the same time.

" Who was she?" jungkook hears J ask.

" Our mate, who else?" He rolls his eyes.

" She's not our mate, jungkook." J says and jungkook rolls his eyes again, thinking his wolf is playing but then he notices that J doesn't sound like he's joking.

" W-what do you mean?" Jungkook furrows his brow, finally reaching his house and going to his room, wanting to talk to his wolf in peace .

" I didn't feel the mate bond with her, she's not our mate, what made you believe she was?" J asks and jungkook can hear the disbelief and anger in his wolf's voice.

" She- she said that we are mates" jungkook looks at the floor, deep in thought.

" How stupid can you be? You had no contact with me, I know but how can you blindly believe her?"

"Why would someone lie about this, J? I didn't think someone can stoop this low, even her eyes flashed blue when she saw me the first time." jungkook says and his wolf is silent for a while.

J knows that despite Jungkook's appearance and intimidating persona, deep down he has a good and innocent heart which is his weakness as well.

" Well" J sighs. "Um- you're still dumb." J says awkwardly, not knowing how to console his human. " But on the bright side we got rid of the trash at least, mate or not, at least now she can't blackmail you saying you guys are mate and shit and belong together."

Jungkook chuckles at his wolf's attempt to make him feel better, but J is right, they got rid of the trash.

"So who will our mate be then?" Jungkook asks confusedly.

" Well I don't really care, show me taeyang's picture"

"Taeyang?" Jungkook snickers. "it's taehyung"

"Yeah yeah potato potatoe" jungkook rolls his eyes at his wolf's humor before opening his gallery and looking at the picture.

J is silent for a while and Jungkook's weirded out because his wolfie won't stay silent for long willingly.

" Do you not like-"

" Damn" jungkook hears his wolf say before he can finish his sentence.

"You sure he's a human?"

"Huh?" Jungkook chuckles.

"Damn I can see why you fell for him, forget mate our whatever, me is a loyal wolfie, me likes him" jungkook can hear J squeal, is he really a trueblood? The most dominant of them all?

" He's truly beautiful, isn't he?" Jungkook smiles softly at the picture.

" I'd let him dominate m-"

" J." Jungkook warns but rolls his eyes, smiling. ' No one can dominate me ', he thinks as he smirks.


Meanwhile taehyung is in his bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts.

' but if it's my absence that you want, then I'm sorry I can't give you that'

These words keep repeating in his head. Making his chest feel fuzzy and weird.

He rolls in his bed. ' did Jungkook really mean that?', he doesn't know, his heart wants to believe jungkook but his mind doesn't.

Jungkook's an enigma, something he can never solve. He knows so much about Jungkook but at the same time, nothing at all. He wants to know so much more about Jungkook, he wants to know jungkook in every way, physically and emotionally.

He wants to know what his deepest fears are, what he likes and what he doesn't. What makes his eyes light up and bring a smile on his lips. What makes him angry, what makes him sad. He wants to know about what goes on in Jungkook's heart.

At the same time, he wants to know what Jungkook will feel like in his arms. How his skin will feel against his hands, how his lips would feel against his. How it would feel like to own him completely, in each and every way.

Jungkook is surely stronger than him in every way, he looks like gym is his second home, but taehyung knows the power he holds, he knows he can bring anyone to their knees infront of him, but he doesn't just want anyone, he wants jungkook.

' I can totally dominate him ' taehyung thinks to himself, smirking as he closes his eyes drifting to sleep.


 𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘔𝘠 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌 // 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now