Chapter 12

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Jungkook was currently in his office, in the morning he met Jin and Namjoon and told them about how he was able to communicate with his wolf, they were really happy for him.

Right now, he was waiting for the clock to strike 2 because at that time he has a meeting with taehyung. He's excited but also nervous.
He's excited to show his wolf, the person he loves but he's nervous about meeting taehyung.

Even tho they meet occasionally because of the collaboration, it still makes him nervous because he wants to apologize to taehyung, ofc he can't tell him the real reason as to why he did what he did but he still wants to apologize.

Just as his wolf said, he has treated taehyung really badly before taehyung left for LA. As he was lost in his thoughts, there was a knock on his office door.

" Sir, is here." His assistant informed him and he hurriedly stood up and adjusted his suit.

" Send him in." He said and soon enough taehyung was in his office looking beautiful as always. They both shook hands and went straight to the point, which was to talk about their collaboration and how they're going to advertise their products.

Almost an hour passed and finally the meeting was over. Taehyung stood up and was about to leave the room but jungkook gathered his remaining courage and stopped him.

" Um- tae- I mean" he stuttered and taehyung raised his eyebrow as a way to tell him to go on.

" Can we talk?"

" We just did."

" I mean can we talk outside of work? Like meet in a cafe?" Jungkook internally face palmed, why was he so awkward?

" I don't think that's a good idea, Mr jeon." Taehyung said.

" Oh okay." Jungkook said.

Taehyung sighed, why was jungkook looking like a kicked puppy? It's hard to say No if jungkook looks like this.

" Where should we meet?" Taehyung cleared his throat.

" Huh?"

" I asked where should we meet?"

" Oh- um- yes, I'll s-send you the address" jungkook said in shock, he was sure that taehyung would never agree but he's happy that taehyung agreed to meet him.

" Sure." Taehyung said and soon left the office.
After exiting the office he lost his calm composure.

" Stupid stupid stupid tae, why did you agree? Still have feelings for him or what? You're so pathetic man" taehyung whined while repeatedly hitting himself on the face.

" Sir?"

As soon as he heard this voice, he looked up in embarrassment just to see his secretary trying to hold his laugh. He wanted to dissolve into the ground then and there.

 𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘔𝘠 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌 // 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now