Chapter 28

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Jungkook goes straight to Namjoon's house. Feeling nervous and excited at the same time. He still isnt sure if what he hears today will break his heart or not. He goes to Namjoon's house and knocks on the door, Namjoon opens it, looking sleepy.

" Kook?" Namjoon asks, rubbing his eyes. " What are you doing here?"

" Hyung, can we talk?" As namjoon sees how serious jungkook is, he invites him in. Soon they're both sat on the couch, jungkook just looks nervous and fiddles with his fingers

" What did you want to talk about?"

" about taehyung" jungkook says in a quiet tone.

" What about him?"

" He's my mate."

" Oh oka- WHAT????" Namjoon's eyes widen in shock, this wasn't what he expected.
" But he's a human?"

" I know but that's not what I am worried about." Jungkook sighs. " You know in the past, hybrids like me had human mates and all of their mates ended up dying, humans can't handle us hyung. I'm worried about it."

Namjoon sighs, seeing how dejected jungkook looks. " But we have no knowledge about what went down between them, just thinking that the humans died because they couldn't handle the hybrids is foolish."

" Yeah but why did it always happen? I don't remember hearing about a single hybrid whose human mate didn't die."

" I do have a book and I guess it can give us some insight on the matter." Namjoon says and walks to his office room in his house. Coming back after a few minutes with a book in his hand.

" Let's see what we can find in it." Namjoon says and they start looking through the book.

After a while, they finally get some information on the matter.

" See?" Namjoon said. " Even the book says that the actual cause of the human's death isn't known, it's only a speculation that they died because they couldn't handle the power the hybrids have."

Jungkook feels a bit relieved but still sceptical.
" But it can't be a coincidence that every single hybrid who had a human mate, their mate ended up dying, it would've been another thing if the humans died of sickness or of old age but there's no mention of it anywhere."

" Its truly hard as we don't have any knowledge about this matter " Namjoon sighs. " Would you tell taehyung your real identity?"

" I want to but not yet, I want to let our relationship progress a bit before telling him anything " jungkook sighs, running his fingers through his hair. " Do you think he will accept me though?"

" I don't know, taehyung is an unexpected person but I can't be sure that he will accept you, I mean, he doesn't even know that werewolves or vampires exist,  it would be weird if he just accepts it instantly."

" Thats fine by me, I'll wait as long as I have to, I just want his acceptance."

" You're whipped."  Namjoon grins.

" I truly am." Jungkook blushes before snapping out of it. " But back on the topic, what will we do about this situation?"

" We can visit my father tomorrow, I'm sure he has knowledge about this matter. I just hope everything works out in our favor."

Jungkook nods. He also hopes everything works out for them as he doesn't plan on letting taehyung go again.


Author's note: sorry for a late and short update, got my braces and they hurt alot the past few days.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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