Chapter 7

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Taehyung hurriedly exited the club. He didn't know why he did that to jungkook. He only knew that when he saw jungkook laughing and enjoying with those 2 girls, one of them being his girlfriend which taehyung came to know about a few days ago, he felt like his heart was breaking again and again. So he went to the dance floor and tried to dance his frustrations away when a girl also joined him. He was happy he danced with that girl. He got to see Jungkook's jealous side, which made him think that jungkook does have some feelings for him.

' what would I do if he does have feelings for me?' he usually thought about this but stopped soon afterwards thinking that he won't let jungkook play him again.

Meanwhile, jungkook returned to his booth and hyejin immediately clinged to his arm. He tried to be gentle and shove her off gently but she just wouldn't budge. Jungkook couldn't believe that he was ready to kiss taehyung while his mate was in the same vicinity too. It shouldn't be a surprise, jungkook knows he isn't over taehyung, but did he try to get over him? The answer is yes. He tried, he tried to give all his attention to his mate, but both his heart and brain took him back to taehyung.

Shoving his thoughts away, he called jimin to come and pick up yoongi and yuna, while he takes hyejin to her home, since all three of them were wasted and jungkook couldn't handle them alone. Soon jimin came and helped take the three of them outside. Hyejin still clinging to jungkook.

" You look happy." Jimin said while smirking.
" Do you finally realize that you're in love with hyejin?" He added while wiggling his brows.

Jungkook just scoffed internally and didn't reply. That statement just sounded foolish to him. After a while he took hyejin to her room and made her lay down on her bed.

He was about to go but hyejin suddenly held his wrist, stopping him.

" Please love me." She mumbled but was soon unconscious leaving jungkook with a heavy heart.

" I can't." Jungkook whispered with tears in his eyes, maybe for himself or for his mate, he doesn't know.

Time skip~

Today jungkook and taehyung both were meeting in Jungkook's company to discuss further about their collaboration. Taehyung gained alot of attention from his employees, even from his assistant who couldn't keep his eyes off of taehyung and to his displeasure, taehyung was also giving her attention.

Namjoon, the president of marketing department was also in the meeting and noticed Jungkook's glares towards his assistant. Namjoon knew about Jungkook's past and felt pity for both him and taehyung.

Soon the meeting was done and all of them got up to leave.

", please come to my office, I have a few things I need to discuss with you." Taehyung didn't question further and followed jungkook to his office. Contrary to his believes, jungkook didn't sit on his chair, rather stood Infront of him with a stern expression.

" What was that?"

" What was what?"

" What you did last night. Why did you do it?"

" What I did? If I remember correctly, you're the one who dragged me with you and possibly ruined what could've been a good night for me."

" But you- you were about to kiss me." Jungkook said.

" I don't know what gave you that idea, Mr.Jeon. I don't remember doing anything of that sorts, now if you'll excuse me." Taehyung was about to go but his wrist was held by jungkook, he was about to free it when he looked up and saw Jungkook's expression. He looked so lost and broken.

" Tae." Jungkook whispered.
" Please." He seemed even more broken and taehyung felt the wall over his heart cracking a bit at his voice but he suddenly saw jungkook composing himself and trying to mask his condition by a false stern facade.

" I'm sorry, you can go now." He said and let go of taehyung's wrist. Taehyung didn't argue further and left from the office.

As soon as he left, jungkook took a deep breathe, he felt like he couldn't breathe. He fell to his knees with tears in his eyes.

" Please love me." He whispered brokenly.
" Please love me, tae." He whispered again.

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