Chapter 5

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Taehyung is finally back in korea. After 5 long years. To say he missed korea would be a lie, sure he did miss most of his friends but his last memory in this place was still fresh in his mind, and that wasn't a pleasant memory at all.

The past 5 years he spent in LA were filled with joy. He enjoyed his life there. The friends he made, the things he learnt, he enjoyed everything even though deep down there was a painful feeling in his heart that never left but he paid no mind to it. He wouldn't let someone that didn't care for him, ruin his life.

But he knew he had to come back to korea. No matter how much he hated it, it was inevitable. He has a company he needs to handle, there are people who depend on him and he couldn't let them down.

So ignoring his feelings, he made his way into his office building. Kim corp. One of the biggest corporations in South korea, they handled alot of things, but the main being the fashion industry, one of the famous brands " iris" was under kim corps too. Being a CEO of this corporation came with alot of responsibilities. Responsibilities that taehyung has to take care of whether he wanted it or not. Don't get him wrong, he loved business, ever since he was little, he knew he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. But he didn't like constantly being under pressure which comes with handling such a big company.

" Mr. Kim, you're here today? You just landed, you should take some rest and join the office after a few days." Seojoon, his secretary but also a friend said.

" I know, joon but we have a big project ahead of us don't we? We are collabing with that electronics company for our new launch and we don't have enough time to waste."

Seojoon just sighed but he knew it would be pointless to argue because he's been with taehyung for so long, they met in LA, and he knows how much of a workaholic it is.

" Shall I arrange a meeting with J. Electronics for today sir?"

Taehyung nodded and made his way inside his office. His office. It feels weird, he has waited so long to take over this company and now finally he has become the CEO. It almost feels unreal to him.

His office is on the 22nd floor and the view from his office is breathtaking to say the least. His favorite thing about his office has to be the view.

Few hours later:

His secretary knocked on the door to inform him of the arrival of CEO of j.electronics.

He stood up from his seat and was fixing his suit when the door opened.

" Hello, it is finally nice to meet-" his words were caught in his throat as he looked up and made eye contact with the one that broke his heart few years ago. The other person looked just as shocked as him. But taehyung wouldn't let the person phase him at all.

" It is finally nice to meet you, Mr.jeon. Take a seat please." He composed himself and gestured towards the seat.

" Tae-"
" It's Mr. Kim for you, Mr jeon. And I would appreciate it if we don't waste our time talking about meaningless things and just talk about our business."

" I understand." Jeon said and made his way to the seat and sat down. The next hour was spent talking about their new collaboration. Taehyung just pretended he couldn't see the glances jungkook sent towards him. He just pretended he didn't see jk's moist eyes. He just pretended that his heart wasn't beating really fast in his chest. He just pretended that seeing someone he loved,after so many years didn't affect him. He just pretended after all, that's what he is good at.

" So everything is finalized then? It would be an honor working with you Mr.Jeon." taehyung said and extended his hand.

" Likewise." Jungkook said and shook his hand, more longer than it was necessary but soon was escorted out of the office.

Taehyung sat back in his seat after jungkook left and started going over the files. He fixed his hair, his watch and tried to concentrate on the files before him. He didn't know why he thought distracting himself would somehow stop the tears in his eyes from falling.

Meanwhile jungkook was in his car. Heart filled with pain but also with comfort. He felt happy after seeing his love after a long time. He can just pretend that the indifference in other's behavior didn't hurt him.

Both of them can just pretend that their hearts aren't yearning for eachother.

 𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘔𝘠 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌 // 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now