Chapter 11

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5 years ago:

Jungkook was going towards the cafeteria, on the way he met Jimin who was looking angry.

" Jungkook i want to talk to you about something! Don't say anything and just come with me"

Jungkook followed Jimin and soon they both reached an empty classroom.

" What do you want to talk about?" Jungkook asked.

" Jungkook, is it true that you like taehyung?"

Jungkook was shocked at the question but soon blushed and answered
" Yes... it's true."

" What about your mate?" Jimin asked.

" I'll reject them, I can't be with them if I like someone else."

Jimin suddenly started laughing, not a happy laugh but a laugh that was full of mocking, jungkook looked at him confusedly.

" You're so funny jungkook. Do you really think you can be with taehyung even if you reject your mate?"

Jungkook grew even more confused.
" What do you mean?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.

" You know that last person that was like you, existed decades ago and their human died. Even before that, almost all the people that were like you, mated with humans and their human died."

" What does it have to do with me and taehyung? We all know that the humans died of natural causes later in life. What are you talking about?"

" Now my sweet jungkookie, that wasn't the truth." Jimin said.
" All of the humans died after mating with them, I'm not talking about marking, the humans died because of simple mating, they couldn't handle it, you don't know about your power jungkook, if you try to mate with a human, you won't be able to control yourself and the human won't be able to handle you at all. The only person that will be able to handle you is either a werewolf  or a vampire and your mate. Humans are weak as compared to you."

" I-i won't -"

" You won't kill taehyung? I know you won't, you'd never want that but it isn't something you can control, it's meant to happen."

" No no that can't happen,I- I won't mate with him, I-ll just stay with him, I'd n-ever mate him"

" What would you tell taehyung? That you don't want to have sex with him? Or tell him about the reality? Whatever you do, he wouldn't believe you,he wouldn't believe that creatures like us exist."

" Wait for your mate jungkook. Someone that was meant for you." Jimin said patting Jungkook's shoulder and left him alone in the classroom. Alone with his thoughts.


" So you're saying we will kill taehyung if we mate with him?" J asked after a moment of silence.

" Yes."

" I don't think that's true." J said suddenly.

" What do you mean?"

" Jungkook, all of the people of our kind that existed before, they didn't just mate random humans and killed them. Those humans were their mates, they were meant for them. And as far as I know, our mate is the only one that can handle mating with us, doesn't matter who they are. So how did they kill their mate by having sex with them? It doesn't make sense to me."

" Now that I think about it, you're right. But even if that was true, we still wouldn't be able to be with taehyung. He isn't our mate."

" Yes. And we also can't tell him the truth since Jimin was right, he would probably think you're crazy."
J said.

" But you have to apologize to him, jungkook. The things you said to him were really hurtful. You have to apologize."

" I know, J. But that was the only way I could make him dislike me, I couldn't think of any other way." Jungkook said.

" What's done is done. You should get some sleep now and let's meet your love tommorow and I'll see why you're head over heels for him." J said teasingly to lighten the mood and it worked.

Jungkook chuckled.
" Okay, goodnight. I feel light after talking to you."

" Goodnight, jungkook."

 𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘔𝘠 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌 // 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now