Chapter 25

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Jungkook and taehyung have been meeting alot these past few days, mostly Jungkook showing up infront of taehyung's house with things he knows taehyung likes and taehyung not giving him any attention. Well that were the first few days of Jungkook's mission. They went like this:

Day 1:

Jungkook stands infront of taehyung's door with a box of donuts, he knows taehyung will never say no to food. He knocks on the door, waiting for taehyung to open. Soon, taehyung opens the door.

" H-hey, taeh-


Taehyung shuts the door before even letting him complete his sentence, Jungkook contemplates just camping outside of this door but he doesn't want a restraining order so after knocking a few more times, he leaves the box of donuts next to the door and leaves. He's sure that taehyung probably won't eat them but he didn't want to leave without giving what he bought. Only if he looked back, he'd see how taehyung peeked out from the door, grabbed the donuts hurriedly and shut the door again.

Day 2:

This time he changes his strategy, brings a bouquet of red roses instead of donuts. He knoxks on the door, as taehyung opens it, even before he can say something, the door is shut again. He sighs, leaving the roses next to the door.

Day 3:

This time he arrives with a box of taehyung's favorite chocolates, but before he can knock, he sees the note pasted on the door that reads:
' my favorite flowers are daises ' Jungkook smiles, this time knocks once and leaves the chocolates on the ground, taking the post it note and walking away.

Day 4:

This time when jungkook arrives, he already sees a box next to the door, when he gets closer, he realizes its a box of cookies with a note, the note reading ' for you', he smiles, placing the bouquet of daises and a box next to the door, the box containing his and tae's pictures from highschool. He leaves after leaving the things there with cookies in his hand.

Day 5:

This time he arrives with a bunny plushie as he remembers taehyung saying in highschool that he loves bunnies, as he arrives, he sees the same box he left yesterday on the same spot, his heart aches a bit, did taehyung not see it? But when he opens the box, he's greeted with more pictures of them, but this time these are the ones that taehyung kept with himself these past years, he smiles, leaving the plushie besides the door and walking away with the box.


As days go by, this becomes their thing, leaving things for eachother without speaking a word, Jungkook did leave an apology letter as well but next day received a middle finger toy, he laughed because he didn't even know something like this existed. Meanwhile J is getting tired of this back and forth.

" Just kiss" This is the nth time J has whined like this and jungkook seriously is done with his wolf, J doesn't know when to shut up. They've been taking things slow, if slow means only communicating throughout gifts but he also wants nothing more than to kiss taehyung again and J is just reminding him of it again and again. Which makes it hard for him to focus on the work.

" Chill dude, we have been taking things slow" Jungkook rolls his eyes.

" First of all, I am not your "dude", second of all, taking things slow is just another word for not getting laid" J says sassily.

" Why are you so eager for us to kiss?" Jungkook says agitated because he wants to kiss as well, he pouts.

" Because taehyung is hot"

"And?" Jungkook asks but receives no further explanation. He rolls his eyes, focusing on his work again.

After work, he visits taehyung again with a cake in his hand, as he's about to set the cake down and walk away, the door suddenly opens, revealing taehyung in a white button up shirt which has three buttons that are unbuttoned and black slacks along with messy hair, damn, Jungkook can't think straight. Looks like taehyung just came back from the office as well but why does he still look so good even when tired? Not fair!

" .....Hi?" Jungkook says awkwardly, not knowing how to start a conversation, he didn't expect taehyung to open the door.

" Come in" taehyung says in his usual deep voice, making Jungkook gulp because damn he sounds hot, he can literally imagine J wiggling his tail over the sight of this hot being.

" Kiss~" Jungkook can hear J say in his head, he shakes his head, blocking out J, all while taehyung is looking at him with raised brows.

" I said come in" taehyung repeated again, taking the cake from Jungkook and turning back, walking inside, trying to hide his smirk at Jungkook's flushed state, he didn't even do anything.....yet.

Jungkook pats his cheek, entering the house, closing the door behind him. Fuck J for putting the thoughts about kissing taehyung in his head.


 𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘔𝘠 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌 // 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now