Chapter 3

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Only 2 days are left before taehyung moves to LA. The past days have been eventful to say the least. Stealing kisses, making out was normal for them. It's like both of them can't get enough of eachother.

Taehyung is sure of his feelings, he likes jungkook, he doesn't know about love but he's sure it's something more than like. And my the looks of it, taehyung is sure jungkook likes him too.

Meanwhile jungkook was tossing and turning in his bed really anxious. Taehyung will leave in two days. what will happen to them after that? Jungkook wanted to ask him " what will happen to us?", But is there an us? Jungkook is sure of his feelings, he knows he loves tae, has loved him since he first saw him but what about his mate? His mate that's waiting for him? His mate that is probably loyal to him since majority of werewolves wait for their mates, jungkook was one of them too, always wanted his mate, wanted to love them, protect them, but then taehyung came along. He doesn't know how, when and why he fell for taehyung. But he does know that he fell hard.

About his mate, jungkook is now sure he will reject them. He knows loving taehyung is wrong, but he also knows he won't be able to give his heart to his mate, rejecting them is better than them being with someone who doesn't love them.

' i will confess to taehyung tommorow and we'll see how it goes from there' Jungkook thought with a smile and slept.


' Jungkook'

' grandma?'

' jungkook'

' grandma are you here? Please talk to me' jungkook walked while looking here and there for his grandma. The one he loves the most in this world. The one he lost.

' you broke your promise jungkook, you didn't wait for your mate. You fell for someone else'

' you broke your promise'
' you broke your promise'
' you broke your promise'

This sentence was echoing and jungkook covered his ears.

' I- I did-nt please, please stop GRANDMA!!'

Jungkook suddenly jolted out of his sleep. He was breathing heavily. After a moment he realized that it was just a dream and calmed himself down. When he looked at the clock it was almost time to go to school. He hurriedly got ready and headed towards the school.

The whole day his grandma's words were playing in his head. His grandparents were mates. Had the most beautiful love story, they died together holding each other's hands. Jungkook wanted a love like that. His Grandma always told him to love and cherish his mate and be loyal to them, while jungkook promised her that he will. All of this is making him feel more guilty.

He ignored his thoughts and walked towards the cafeteria. On the way he met jimin, who was looking angry.

" Jungkook i want to talk to you about something! Don't say anything and just come with me"


Today was tae's last day in the school, he didn't have to come today but he still did so he can meet people he was close with and maybe meet jungkook too.

But taehyung couldn't find him. He went to their usual spot on the rooftop and found jungkook there. No one came on this rooftop, it wasn't allowed but jk and tae don't care because they know no one checks it and their classmates are afraid of breaking rules.

Taehyung moved towards jungkook, who looked lost in thoughts which made taehyung confused but jungkook has the habit of zoning out so he just shrugged and went closer to back hug jungkook.

Jungkook was startled but snapped out of his dazed and turned towards taehyung. Taehyung hands were still on his waist. After having eye contact for a while, taehyung's eyes moved towards Jungkook's lips and he pulled him closer to attach their lips.

Jungkook responded with the same enthusiasm and kissed taehyung back. Soon after, they parted their lips.
" What were you thinking about?" Tae asked.
" Nothing special, you're leaving the day after tommorow right?"
" Yeah, I'm going to miss you." Taehyung said and kissed him on the cheeks while jungkook remained silent.

" Jungkook I wanted to say something, I l-like you, i don't know how it happened but I know that I like you, I'm going to come back after finishing my studies and it might be selfish of me but I want to continue what we had-

" What we had? What do you mean? Did you really think I was kissing you because I liked you? It was just in the heat of the moment, it didn't really have a deeper meaning, I'm sorry but I don't reciprocate your feelings, and it's kind of dumb to have feelings for me, aren't we enemies? Just because we kissed a few times you started catching feelings? I thought you were smarter than this, people kiss daily taehyung, without any feelings, which is what we did. I'm sorry if I made you feel like it was something more. But since you're leaving anyways, I hope this is the last time we see each other. And remember not everything has a deeper meaning, you're smarter than this" jungkook chuckled and left, leaving taehyung alone on the rooftop with tears in his eyes.

" I really was dumb" taehyung chuckled.
" Dumb enough to think you'll feel the same" he started laughing but the tears repeatedly flowing down his cheeks said another story.

That was really the last time they saw eachother. Their last meeting which ended with two broken hearts, one heart still filled with love and guilt while the other heart was filled with feelings of resentment but the love was still there.

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