Chapter 6

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Jungkook went to yoongi's house after the meeting with taehyung. He wanted to tell his yoongi hyung how their meeting went and how unexpected it was, after all yoongi was one of the few people who understand him.

Reaching there, jungkook was met with yoongi chatting with someone else. By moving closer, he got to know that it was his mate, hyejin. Hyejin and yoongi were pretty close. One look at her and he felt more guilty, his mate was here, she should have a place in his heart that was occupied by someone else, all this time she has been trying to make him love her and maybe deep down thinks that he does love her, he just isn't good at showing it. Which is a complete lie. Jungkook knows it too, he was here with a happy heart after so long, just because he met someone he loves after so long while his mate was here, trying her best and being loyal to him.

Shooing away his thoughts, he went to yoongi and greeted him. After talking for a while they all made a plan to visit a club and just let out some steam. Jungkook agreed because he needed that too, his head has been full of thoughts and he want nothing more than to quieten it for a while.

Time skip~

It was late at night and they were in the club. Jungkook, yoongi, hyejin, jimin and also yuna, a friend and aquaintance. The club was lively at this time,people just dancing their night away.

They all made their way down to a booth, a bit away so the dance floor couldn't be seen. Jungkook was enjoying so far, drinking and laughing with the others when he suddenly felt the need to go to the washroom. Yoongi offered to accompany him but he denied knowing that hyejin and yuna were already wasted and jimin was close to being wasted too, there has to be a sober one among them.

After exiting the washroom he was about to make his way towards their booth when his eyes fell on the dance floor. Nothing out of the ordinary when he noticed someone he would recognize even in a crowd. He wasn't sure if he was happy to see him or not, because the state he found him in wasn't the most pleasant one. His love, the person who had his heart was dancing with a girl, pretty close to eachother, his hands on her waist while the girl had her hands on his neck. Leaning closer as if they were about to kiss, jungkook couldn't take it anymore, slightly tipsy, but before his mind could make a sane decision he was already marching towards them.

Holding the wrist of the other male, he jerked the other towards himself and glared at the girl, the red in his eyes was appearing in the form of specks but before anyone could notice, he dragged the other male, ignoring the protests, both from the male and the girl.

Reaching a secluded hallway, he pushed the other on the wall, putting both of his hands beside taehyungs head. The expression on taehyung's face showed how displeased and angry he was.

" What was that!?!? Are you in your senses?" Taehyung inquired angrily.

" What were you doing with that girl?" Jungkook asked firmly.

" Why does it matter?

" It matters to me-

" Why? You want me to kiss you instead of her, hyung?" There was a smirk on taehyungs lips as he said these words. Leaning closer to the others face as the other looked shocked.

" I-"

" Hm? You would like that right?"

" N-no, I- uhm-"

" Oh you wouldn't? What a pity, maybe I should go? I'm sure that girl will be waiting for me, if not, finding someone else isn't a problem." Tae said as he moved his hands to the other's cheek, caressing it slowly, enjoying the way other relaxed under his touch. Not knowing why he liked it so much when he was this close to the other.

" I wouldn't want you to kiss her" jungkook whispered eyes moving to taehyung lips. Wanting nothing but to have them on his own.

The other knew it too so he moved his hand to Jungkook's nape and pulled his face closer, while Jungkook's eyes shut close.

Taehyung stopped for a while, admiring the person before him. The person who broke him but is also able to mend him again.

Jungkook could feel taehyungs breath on his lips, deep down he was finding it funny, thinking about how his father would react knowing the mighty trueblood is just a putty in a mere humans hand.

Jungkook was waiting patiently for a kiss that never came, instead he was pushed back harshly and he suddenly came out from the daze he was in. Opening his mouth to speak something but the other beat him to it-

" You're pretty stupid huh?" Were the last words said by the pretty human as he left the shocked trueblood alone in the hallway.

" Stupid for you" jungkook whispered, his words heavy,hanging in the hallway with no one to hear them.

 𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘔𝘠 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌 // 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now