Chapter 21

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Jungkook was on his way to taehyung's office, he was really nervous. Would taehyung believe him? He's not sure but he will explain himself. He doesn't want taehyung to feel like he's playing him. On top of that, it's been so long and his wolf also hasn't talked with him, that's also making him nervous.

So now he was standing infront of taehyung's office door, thinking if he should knock or not, what if taehyung doesn't let him in?

' don't back out now Jungkook, you can't lose him again.' he thought and finally knocked on the door.

" Come in." He heard and went inside. He could see taehyung going through some files, does taehyung not know he was the one who wanted to meet him? He probably didn't judging by the way his eyes widened and he looked shocked when he looked up and made eye contact with jungkook but soon gained his composure.

" Why are you here?" Jungkook wanted to wince at how harsh and stern taehyung sounded.

" Tae-"

" I don't need anymore excuses, Mr.Jeon. The door is right behind you, you can see yourself out." Taehyung said and went back to reading the files.

" T-taehyung please let me explain."

" What is there to explain?" Taehyung looked up, his face was blank. Jungkook was getting even more nervous by the way taehyung was looking at him.

Taehyung stood up and walked towards jungkook, stopping a few feet away.

" What is there to explain, jungkook?" He asked. " You were kissing someone, no big deal. Why are you here? What do you want to explain?" Taehyung said and jungkook couldn't find the words, he was silent.

" Stop wasting my time and get out if you have nothing to say." Taehyung gritted out and turned around just to be pulled back by the hold on his arm.

" Don't touch me" taehyung said angrily.
" What do you think of yourself?" He said as he held Jungkook's collar and pulled him towards himself.

" Do you think I'm a toy that you can play with whenever you want and throw away whenever you like? Be fucking mature for once in your life and decide what you want." Taehyung said pushing jungkook back. " Please get out." He sighed.

" No."

Taehyung gasped. The audacity this guy has. He has been standing there like a statue for so long and now he has the audacity to say No?

" As you wish, I'm calling the security." Taehyung said but jungkook just moved forward and held taehyung's waist to pull him towards himself.

" Wha-"

" Don't. Just stop talking and listen to me once. Just let me explain everything, then I'll go if you still want me to." Jungkook pleaded and taehyung just looked at him blankly.

" You have 3 minutes."

" Wha- only 3?"

" 2 "

" Okay okay, taehyung just listen to me. I know what you saw was heartbreaking for you, but it isn't what it looks like. She was my ex." Jungkook finally spoke.

" What a nice explanation,made me feel better instantly." Taehyung scoffed.

" Let me finish, I woke up early to make breakfast for both of us, but someone was on the door and it was her, she just invited herself in and I told her to get out, then she started acting like a mad person and started screaming at me about how she's the best for me, I told her to get out and stop screaming so you won't wake up, but out of no where she kissed me, I was going to push her away and that's why I held her arms, she probably heard you coming downstairs and thought it was a girl I was having over so she acted like that." Jungkook finished explaining, waiting for taehyung to say something but taehyung was just silent.

Jungkook sighed and his hands left taehyung's waist, moving upwards to cup his cheeks.

" Tae, trust me just this once please. I would never treat you or lie to you like that. The kiss we shared meant alot to me. I didn't kiss her, I was about to push her away. Trust me,please." Jungkook said and leaned forward to put his forehead on taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung was just silent but when he spoke, jungkook felt his heart breaking.

" I don't think I can do this, jungkook."

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