Chapter 14

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Jungkook and taehyung were finally going to meet at the cafe today. Jungkook was getting ready and literally went through his whole closet but could find nothing that he wanted to wear. After some time he finally chose a black leather jacket, a white shirt and some jeans. It's simple but he'll also look good.

Jungkook soon reached the cafe and he was 15 minutes early, there's still time left for taehyung to come but jungkook wanted to be early in hopes that he'll calm himself and go over what he wanted to say in his head.

Taehyung arrived soon and they both sat in silence for a while after ordering their drinks. It was getting awkward but none of them wanted to start the conversation. But jungkook gathered the courage and spoke.

" How are you?"

" I'm fine." Taehyung said seemingly disinterested. " What did you want to talk about?"

" Um..I-i"

" Hm?"

" I-I wanted to say sorry." Jungkook said gathering his courage to look taehyung in the eyes.

" You wanted to say sorry?" Taehyung asked.
" Yes?" Jungkook said now confused as to why taehyung looked so mad.
" Ok." Taehyung replied still looking mad.

" Ok." Jungkook said.

" Explain jungkook."
" What are you sorry for?" Taehyung said raising his eyebrows and jungkook completely forgot what he was about to say.

" I'm sorry for treating you the way I did." Jungkook said but after receiving no reply he decided to continue. " You didn't deserve it and I have no one to blame except me, I let my thoughts get the best of me and behaved the way I did, I'm sorry."

" What thoughts?"

" Taehyung." Jungkook sighed.

" I liked you alot." He continued. " At that time, I wanted to continue what we had, but I was scared, you were leaving korea and I didn't know what to do and my thoughts just mixed up, I didn't know if I could do a long distance relationship or not because a relationship was what I wanted with you, not something casual." Jungkook finally said what he wanted to say and waited for taehyung's reply.

" So you're basically saying that you spoke to me that way because you liked me?" Taehyung asked.

" No- I mean yes, it's really cliche but I wanted you to stop liking me and that's why I said all those hurtful words but after some time I regretted it. I should've been mature and had a honest conversation with you about what I was feeling but instead I acted like a coward."

" As if I stopped liking you after you behaved that way." Taehyung murmured but thankfully jungkook didn't hear.

" Huh? Did you say something?"

" No, I mean you're right, you could've handled the situation in a better way but we can't really change the past. I liked you alot and the words really hurt me but I do want to forgive you, even if it takes some time."

" Yeah. I really hope you can forgive me one day tae." Jungkook said looking at taehyung while smiling slightly.

" I'll see if I can." Taehyung said teasingly.


Author's note: so they finally cleared things up huh? Anyways did you guys watch the Golden showcase today? This is the first time I could see something live without the app lagging or my internet giving up, watched the full showcase lmao. Jungkook performed so well and the way he loves army is so beautiful and he also sang magic shop. And also " still with you." I swear my soul healed, It was free therapy, I no longer have any mental illnesses.

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