Chapter 16

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After leaving hyejin, he was going to meet jimin to tell him that he has rejected hyejin, he isn't that close with jimin anymore but he deserves to know it from jungkook before anyone else tells him.

So right now, he was sitting on the couch in jimin's house, trying to ignore the stare jimin was giving him and also trying to find the right words.

" I rejected hyejin."

Out of all the reactions he expected, Jimin smiling softly at him wasn't one of them.

" This was bound to happen." Jimin said.

" You - you aren't angry?" Jungkook asked in shock.

" No, kook. I admit I was wrong because I played a big role in separating you from taehyung, but I've also realized that I can't force you to be with someone you don't want. I want you to be happy and I want to be there for you. If your happiness lies with taehyung then I won't stop you. Just be careful okay?" Jimin said while patting Jungkook's head and jungkook wanted to cry but laugh at the same time so he just hugged jimin, tightly and genuinely. He missed his bestfriend.

" I love you."

" I love you too- KOOK STOP RUBBING YOUR NOSE ON MY SHIRT YOU IDIOT!!" and that's how they made up.

Time skip~

So now everyone knew about him rejecting hyejin which they all expected but it was still a shock, especially to yoongi because he was close with hyejin.

Now the main question arises, what happens now? That's what all of them are thinking about.

" So.. what will happen now?" Joon asked.

" We have to help kook get with taehyung." Jin replied.

" Kook, will you tell him about your real identity? I don't think he will believe it."

" Yeah but I don't want to tell him about my real identity yet, we just met after so many years and are finally behaving civilly with eachother so I want to give us some time before telling him anything, first I'll have to tell him about my relationship with hyejin, that we broke up because he thinks I'm in a relationship." Jungkook said while everyone looked at him, silently judging him.

" Wow, so smart of you" Jimin said while rolling his eyes.

" I don't remember my thought process okay?"

" Probably none." Jimin said sassily.

The rest of the day was spend talking with eachother, this time without the awkwardness between jungkook and jimin. Jungkook was glad to have his hyung back and jimin was wondering why he didn't support kook sooner even though he knew that his reasons were valid, but what wasn't right was trying to force his decisions on jungkook.

 𝘕𝘖𝘛 𝘔𝘠 𝘔𝘈𝘛𝘌 // 𝘛𝘢𝘦𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now