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hello readers! If you're a past reader, welcome back. I'm sorry it took me so long to find myself again. As you probably remember, this is how I started my story last go around. I recommend going back and reading part 1 and 2 to any new readers before beginning this one, mostly go and read part 2. It has everything in it. 

Also to any new readers, I will be calling to some of my old readers simply because if it weren't for them I honestly would've stopped writing a long time ago. 

I've been writing since 2016. This story began in 2016. I stopped writing for a few months because my mental health declined so much. I'm back and going to try to be better. This is going to be my outlet away from the stress of life. 

My first ROTG story was simply one-shots that my 13 year old brain came up with. My second story was a little more mature one-shots that had more story lines and mature themes. There were couples that were made and angst like you'd never believe. This story will be mature. I've marked it as mature. 

Like I said in the description, this story is open to anyone and anything. There are members of the LGBTQ in this story, there are mentions of surviors of r*pe, there are gonna be triggering subjects, there are gonna be super mature subjects. I put a warning if a chapter is ever gonna have anything close to triggering in anyway. With this being said, no negativity is allowed. I don't condone negativity in my stories, comments, or replies. 

This is a safe place for my readers or readers of any kind. I do my best to be inclusive to everyone. 

A little short summary:

In my story, I brought back the Pookan tribe, friends, and family of the Guardians that had passed in their pasts because of something I created in the first book. If you're a new reader, my first book was a mix of me at 10 years old writing for the fun of it to me being like 18 trying to find the right way to make the storyline that I did. 

Down below are characters that I've created in this story PLUS a guide on the couples that are together:

(some old characters I've taken out simply because they will no longer be mentioned)
(yes there is a lot of them...)

The Fade characters / dead to alive :

Callahan - Tooth's brother
Natasha - North's sister
Denver - Sandy's human bestfriend
Emily - Pitch's wife

Aster's Family:

Ares: Aster's father
Eleanor: Aster's mother
Ridley: Aster's older brother
Liam: Aster's younger brother

-Other Pooka's names that are mentioned/ side characters-

Elliot - A kit that's taken to Jack
Charlie - friend of Ridley's
Amelia - Elliot's mom

Seasonals/Other Holidays:

Seraphina - Mother Nature (Pitch & Emily's daughter)
Marcus Flare - head of summer
Archie Fall - head of Spring 
Katie McConnel - head of Autumn/Fall
Mary - Spring spirit
Crystal - Fall spirit
Stray - Fall spirit
Noah - Spring spirit
Derek - Summer spirit
April Showers - Rain spirit
Andy - Jack's human bestfriend / now Spring spirit 
Nick - Jack's human bestfriend / now Fall spirit

Human Kids/other characters:

Jackie - (Jamie & Pippa's daughter)
Thea - Jack's oldest believer / Alex's sister
Alex - one of Jack's closests believers / Thea's little brother
Nicky - Jack's closests believer
Alice - Nicky's mother
Sam - An immortal that was possessed by evil spirits but saved
Emma & Oliver - Sam & Natahsa's kids
Roy - one of Sam's demons
Death - ...
Cypress - water siren
Father Time - ...

There are probably some characters I'm forgetting because I made to many (whoops) but I'll find them along the way. Under this I've put down the couples so any new readers can know and so it can be remembered since I have made so many now.

Jack & Archie

Crystal & Andy

Stray & Noah

Natasha & Sam

Seraphina & Death

Thea & Liam

That's about all I can think of to put for now. It's time I do a survey of what you guys want. I have chapters written up of course for the beginning but I want to see what you guys would want to see next. Also, if you want it happy, angst, sad, or mature topics, let me know. 

1. Bunny & Jack moment

2. Jack & Archie moment

3. Jack & North moment

4. Seraphina, Death, & Jack moment

5. Pitch & Jack 

6. Jack & all the Seasonals

7. The Guardians as a whole

8. Jack & Marcus

9. a POV of an old chapter in someone else's eyes...

10. Someone's backstory

With this, I end the introduction and I start the new story. The new chapter will be released on Sunday. I want to see your responses to the ideas above too.

-Unknown Writer <3

Rise of the Guardians One-shots pt.3Where stories live. Discover now