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* this chapter was scheduled to post last Sunday at 12 just like the always but it never did. I'm sorry for the late update, I don't have Wattpad on my phone anymore so I didn't even realize it didn't post till I came on today to make sure what was going to be this weeks update was edited fully. 

I am so so sorry! In return for no update last Sunday, this will be posted today instead of tomorrow. There will also be a small chapter released on Wednesday to make up for it as another little one-shot aside from this.

I was immediately asked for some of the rebel Seasonal leaders to introduced, so upcoming chapters will have them.

A surprise will be coming your way.

yes, Jack and Archie will have a wall between them for a while. 

yes, this chapter is gonna be angsty.


Jack stared down at his hands as he sat by the crevice where Pitch threw him in. He had been having a lot of thinking moments since Archie went back to Seraphina's castle. He shivered as he felt the Spring wind curl around his neck. 

"Go away." He felt it hesitate before leaving. He couldn't handle the winds comforting him right now. He stared down into the dark hole in the ice as his mind flashed back to that day. He remembered almost joining Pitch until the man mentioned only himself in his big speech.

What would've happened if he did join Pitch that day? Would he be a fearling now?

He turned at the sound of ice breaking. He watched as a glacier broke from the side of the mountain. He inhaled a deep breath as it rose from the water before splashing down to make a large wave. Global warming was real and it was ruining everything. 

He didn't intervene in the glacier breaking. He just watched as it fell. A sigh fell from him when Silver formed beside him. He looked down at the nightmare before back to the hole in front of him. He smiled as he felt the animal brush against his hand, trying to distract his mind.

Jack took to the sky with Silver by his side as he headed to the Pole. He needed to see North about getting a special gift to one of the newest Bennett kids down the family line. Jackie had a rough time but the other kid A-

"What the hell!" Jack was pulled from the sky. He felt the wind yank him back as if it was keeping him from leaving. He looked down to find he was right above where the newest glacier had formed. 

His eyes widened when he saw below the water, a body was frozen into the ice. He watched as the newest block of ice slowly came from the water to replace the top of it that broke off. He felt fear go through his body as he took in the features of the man in the ice. 

Red hair, red clothes, a staff that held an autumn leaf on top. 

He looked to the man's side to find a sword that looked very close to Seraphina's blades. He knew who this was just by the staff. Just by the clothes. It was the old style of clothing the leaders would wear.

This was the old leader of Fall. The man before Archie. The one who helped Hunt try to overthrow Seraphina.

He lowered himself to the edge of the broken ice, not landing on the block that held the man. He noticed up close that dream sand wrapped around the man's body. It was darker than the regular dream sand he knew. 

He felt Silver biting his hoodie, trying to pull him back with a whine. He knew he needed to go tell someone. He was about to leave when a hand landed on his shoulder. He jumped, turning around to tense in shock. 

Rise of the Guardians One-shots pt.3Where stories live. Discover now