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This will be a preview chapter of the upcoming writing year. It will include scenes of upcoming chapters that I've written so you will all know what's coming. The request box is open again but I can understand if none come because of my disappearing acts. This will also be where you can all tell me if you want to see this chapter or if you don't want to see it. 

I want feedback. 

The first scene is from the ending of the last chapter. It will be a whole other chapter but I just wanted to give y'all the first part so you can see where the angst is going to go.



Archie missed Jack's touch. He knew he was hiding his true emotions through distraction of touch. It made his body hot but his heart hurt. It was then that he realized something that made him blink away the lust covering his mind. 

The ice cuffs weren't cold. He blinked away all the emotions clouding his head as he realized the bigger picture. Nothing but the air was cold. 

Jack's touch wasn't cold. 

"Jack? Jack, what's going on?" He looked down to meet Jack's eyes and found his fear cut off the lust. Jack's eyes were dark blue, the bad dark blue, the dark blue that meant Winter was in the driver's seat. He knew that it was dangerous for Jack to hold back his cold because it would turn him into a different person.

He let his fear grow stronger to call to Pitch. He wouldn't be able to do anything in this moment. 

"Nothing's going on. I've missed you, Archie." He tried to melt the ice. His spring magic wasn't going to be strong enough but it would give Pitch time to get here. He could tell Jack stopped moving. He was just...frozen. 

Archie looked down to find Jack staring off at the winter wonderland next to them, tilted head like he was listening to something. He felt the moment Pitch joined the area because Jack's cold finally came back. He flinched when Nightmare sand slammed into the form above him. 

He heard Jack cough with a groan as the sand pinned him to the roof. The ice around him melted from heat that could only come from a Summer spirit. He smelled an ocean smell surround him as he sat up. There was something darker in the air other than Pitch.

Pitch, Derek, and Cypress stood over them. All of them looking like the four horsemen coming to claim the next victim except there wasn't a fourth perso-

A shiver of intimidation made him go tense as he watched a figure step up beside them. His eyes went wide as he recognized the description that Jack gave him from a long time ago. He took in how the man's height reached Cypress with his grey hair shining bright. 

Red eyes. Darker energy covering the air. He glanced over at Jack to see his lover staring at the man with a glare, his dark blue meeting the dark red.

"Time for an intervention, Jackson." 

Roy said.



Callahan watched Nick and Andy argue back and forth. The two of them had been tense for a while now, no one knew why. He had an idea it had something to do with Crystal. It wasn't a secret that Nick had hooked up with her a while before Andy got with her. 

"You're not listening to what I have to say to you, Andy!" 

"Because what you have to say is ridiculous and it's in the past." He watched Andy try to leave but Nick followed him out of the Pole doors. He heard them continue arguing down the hallway. It made him scratch his neck, he felt like something bad was coming with that.

"What do you think is going on there?" He glanced over at April. The girl was a gossip. Anything she heard, she went and told Jack, who then tried to fix everything. He looked back at the doors. 

"I don't know." 


tw: mentions of razors

Nicky rubbed his eye as he tried to focus on his textbook. He heard movement outside of the door of his room. Well, it was actually Jack's old room. He had come to spend the day at the Pole considering his mother wanted to see North. He knew there was something going on there. 

A knock at the door made him finally look away from his Math homework. He turned to find Phil opening the door. The yeti was the one that bonded with Jack, now he found himself bonding to the creature. 

"There is dinner ready in the Globe room. Everyone's here." Nicky had asked North to teach him the yeti language so he could understand them when he was there. 

"Okay, I'll be out there in a few minutes. Wh-Who is all out there?" He scratched at his wrist where the scar was hidden beneath his sleeve. Ever since the incident with Seth, he wasn't a fan of being around anyone without Jack or Archie present. 

"It's just North, your mother, and the other Guardians." He nodded, that was fine. The Guardians were fine. 

Nicky turned back to his table, rearranging everything before leaving. He heard Phil leave before he could ask the yeti to stay. He hated being alone ever since...

A shiver rolled down his spine as he tried to forget the words through his head. He glanced over to the bathroom attached to his bedroom. This was Jack's old room and he had found the hiding spot from the winter spirits old box of blades. 

It's where his was now, and he found he couldn't stop.



Dear Jack, 

I'm drunk so be mindful I maybe a little too blunt here. I like you. I know that you have a boyfriend and all but I like you. And from what I hear, the two of you are having problems. Maybe it's an idea to go for someone else...

Jack stared down at the letter he found in Mother Nature's living room. There had been a party here two days ago that he was sent to clean up today. He found this crumpled up piece of paper in the trash can beside the old desk. 

Who could've wrote this?



"She's moving on..." 

"She is."

"With him?"

"Yes, I-I'm sorry." 

Aster stared down at the egg in his hands as he listened to Rowan, one of the Warriors in training. The teen kit was friends with Jack and had become more loyal to Jack than he had to his instructor because the older Pooka taught in the old ways while Jack taught a newer way of fighting and defense.

"I'm sorry, Bunny. I wish I could stop it." He shook his head, standing up to look in the brown eyes of the sympathetic kit. He put a paw on the small shoulder before squeezing it. 

"It's alright, kit. I knew this may happen. Just didn't expect it too be him." 



She stared down at the little plastic thing in her hands, glaring at the two pink lines. 

She was pregnant. How the fuck was she supposed to tell the one-night stand that he had knocked her up? How was that even possible?


Well guys, here are some ideas I've had lately and wrote up the chapters but I want to hear y'alls opinions on it. I know my updates suck but I'm gonna get better. I've updated here and wrote out more chapters and I'm also updating my miraculous story. 

I also have another miraculous story I want to release soon. And an idea about a separate ROTG story if anyone's interested in that.

Rise of the Guardians One-shots pt.3Where stories live. Discover now