Jack Leaves

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I'm going to be posting a lot in the coming future so be on the lookout for those still reading. 

a lovely angsty read.


Jack stared down at his hands as he sat by his lake. He knew that something was going on behind his back with everyone. Derek was being secretive with Pitch. Bunny and Mary were sneaking off. Katie couldn't even look at him. Archie hadn't been seen in days. Marcus was overly happy around him. 

They were all hiding something. It was obvious that the other Guardians knew it too. What if they were going against him? He tapped his staff on the water as he thought back to the last few times he had spent with all of these people. There was one thing they were all focused on recently...his power. 

He remembered just last week he had been making snowflakes in the Warren for the kits when Mary came out of nowhere. She stood next to him with a smile but she seemed cautious, hesitant, about something. It was weird but he brushed it off. It was something to do with him. His power. 

He looked up to Manny who was shining down on him. He knew there was something going on due to the fact that the Man in the Moon had been looking down on him each day. 

"Manny...Just tell me the truth. Just tell me something." He felt Manny's sadness through the light. He could feel Manny trying to decide whether to say something or not. 

"Do you feel in control, Jackson?" Jack frowned looking back down at his hands. He brushed the frost of his fingertips that had spread when he felt sad lately. He knew his magic was going a little wild lately but he felt in control of it. He didn't feel like it was pressuring him like it did sometimes. 

"I mean, I know my frost has been spreading and it's taking a little more effort to block the cold from coming off me so hard, but overall I'm fine. Why are you-" 

Jack blinked. He slowly looked up to Manny as he remembered the dream he had. He remembered the dream he had of Hunt Frost telling him it would happen to him. He swallowed, remembering Bunny telling him he wouldn't let it happen to him. Bunny never told him what he found in the cave that he was told about in his dream.

"I'm getting too strong...Aren't I?" He felt Manny's light cover him like a hug. He looked down around him as the ground was frosted. He took a deep breath to take it away but it didn't disappear like it usually did. 

"This is why the Fade is a thing. If it hadn't have happened when it did, your power would've acted like this years ago. I never expected it would happen again." Jack ran a hand through his hair as he remembered the Fade, the meaning of it. He looked down at the ice around him that was spreading the more upset he got. 

"I don't want to be put to sleep like Hunt or Old Man Winter. I want to be able to live with this. I want to control it, Manny. Please don't put me to sleep." He whispered. He looked up at the moon waiting for an answer again. 

"I don't want you asleep either, Jackson. I've made many mistakes over the years and putting the other Winter's to sleep instead of helping them is one of the worst things I've done. I have an idea on what I can do. You need to come here.

Jack looked down at the charm that held a connection to Aster and Pitch. He knew if he went to the moon it would tell them. He looked at the necklace wrapped around his neck that held the demon that had been by his side for a long time now. 

"I've got to leave you behind, Roy." That's all he said before he took the necklace off and the charms. He heard and felt Roy's anger at this decision but it was the one thing that had felt right to do since everything around him was going to hell. 

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