Happy New Year

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this is just a short little chapter as a new year's gift to all of you :)

I've been asked if I would write a "mature" chapter about Jack and Archie that goes a little further than fade to black moments. So this chapter will include a moment that goes a little further than fading to black.


Jack sat on top of the Pole as the New Years event went down below him. There was something brewing behind the scenes. Derek had come back with Cypress by his side. Bunny and Mary were acting weird. Katie was avoiding him. 

He hadn't seen Archie all night. He wasn't sure where the other was. He hadn't seen Archie in so long it nearly made him sick thinking of what he could be doing. Before they got together, he knew that Archie would take someone to bed. He pinched the skin under his arms as he wrapped himself around the knees. 

"Jack." He jumped, turning to find Archie Fall behind him. He looked just as worn down as he did. There were dark circles under his green eyes, he looked skinnier than he last saw him. It made him swallow. It was Archie's decision to leave. It was his decision to not stay and talk to him about whatever was going on. 


He felt the Spring leader sit beside him as they stared out to the snowy bare land. He usually loved watching this but this year he couldn't find it in himself to love it. 

"I-I miss you." Jack clenched his fist. He turned, looking Archie in the eyes, he was about to hurt him but he couldn't help himself. 

"You left. It was your decision. I wanted you to stay so we could talk it out. You left ." 

He turned away before he could see the hurt in the green eyes across from him. A few words from Callahan hit him hard, 

"It's not worth it. Love. It's not worth the pain.

Jack swallowed, Callahan was happy with Denver now but he couldn't help know it's true. This pain was stronger than any physical he had felt in a very long time. He felt a hand grab his. He tried to pull away but Archie kept his grip. He felt the hands turn his head, meeting the eyes. 

"I love you. I love you, Jackson Bunnymund Frost. I left because I may have hurt you in my sleep. I may have attacked you in the state I was in. My power is surging. It will lash out at anything, including Winter. I couldn't risk that." 

Jack took in a deep breath as their foreheads touched. He felt the trembling in both of them. Archie looked at him before glancing down at his lips. He heard the countdown below them, 20 seconds left on the clock until the New Year. 


"I'm coming back to you soon." 


"What's going on? What am I missing?"


"We're figuring it out. It's nothing for you to worry about right now."


Jack swallowed as Archie's hand cupped his cheek, his fingers lightly brushing through the hair on his neck. He felt a hot feeling go up his spine. Usually it was Archie that started their interactions but he was feeling...


"Does it involve me?"


"Do you trust me?" Archie's whisper brushed his lips as they somehow moved closer. 


"I trust you about as much as I trust Bunny." 


"I love you." 




Jack didn't say it back. He leaned forward, pressing his lips on Archie's in a rush. Their kiss was hard and fast with a hint of aggressive touch. He felt something primal go through him as he shoved Archie back to lay down. He ignored the noise that came out of the boy below him. 

Their eyes met as Jack showed how he felt through his eyes. He showed how unhappy he was with Archie for being gone this long. He showed that he was more focused on his body than his mind right now. 

"Jack, I-" 

"Stop talking, Archie." 

Jack tapped his staff on the roof before tossing it to the side. The ice wrapped around Archie's wrists like cuffs, keeping him pinned down. He swallowed after hearing the slight whimper from Archie. 

He ripped the green t-shirt from Archie's body before moving down. Jack didn't want to talk about how he knew the very thing that made him who he was is the thing that made Archie run from him that day. He didn't want to talk about how he always knew that his cold would be the reason everyone left. 

He didn't want to think about what he was planning to do next.

It was the New Year, he would worry about everything else tomorrow.


Happy New year everyone! 

do we want to see more mature moments like this in the future or is that too much? I'm not sure what you readers are comfortable with reading.

*yes I just edited a paragraph in case this sends out another notification. i realized that I didn't go further into a part and it made it seem uncomfortable and very unlike Jack's character. there is something coming that i do have to warn that will change Jack in a way.

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