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this is going to be a short one simply because I think they'd like it short and sweet :) 

Part 2 of "Stay For Me" will be out ASAP 

this is an early release of course to try to get back on updating track and to make up for the late update.


Callahan was pissed. 

He looked around the room to find it empty. He had been put on a ghost hunt at this point. He was given hints through Baby Tooth on where he needed to go. 

"This is ridiculous Baby Tooth. Easter is past, why am I hunting through clues in eggs?" He watched her chirp at him in anger for talking so much instead of looking. He groaned before looking back down at the slip of paper. 

Where would we go for peace if there was a big party?

He could easily tell this was Denver's handwriting. He was going to kill him when he found him. He had been at this for an hour now. He backed out into the hallway to find Dingle and Tinsel peeking around the corner at him before running away. He felt his wings twitch in his anger. What the hell was this, pick on Callahan day?

"I'm gonna kill him." He walked down the hall to find it empty. Suspiciously empty. 

Callahan stopped as he used his brain. Where did they go? He had already checked the attic, already checked all the balconies, and he had checked the storage closets. There was no other place than the-

"Oh you son of a bitch." He groaned before turning around, making his way to the globe room. The window nook. The windows deflected the noise at parties somehow. He suspected a spell by North for Jack to have a quiet place without leaving the room. Jack had shown him and he showed Denver. 

"Callahan." He looked up after the long walk to find Jack smiling at him. He narrowed his eyes at him. 

"You in on this?" He watched Jack grin before holding out a blue egg. He snatched the item away before lightly shoving the boy's shoulder. He looked down at the egg before cracking it open, the letter falling out. 

Dreaming of You. Of Us. See you soon. Trust Jack.

"Where do I go now?" He looked at Jack to find him standing in front of the double doors. He raised an eyebrow as Jack raised a blindfold in his hand. 

"Trust me?" He rolled his eyes before stepping forward. He sighed at the feeling of the cold hands wrapping around his face to tie the blindfold. 

"If this is some elaborate prank to get back at me for pushing Pitch into the rock wall, I'll kill all of you. I wanted sleep." He heard Jack laugh before pushing him through the double doors. Everything was silent. Very silent. He frowned, he could feel the energies of others in the room but no one was making a sound. Was he about to get pranked?

He felt Jack turn him around before the boy leaned in closer to him. 

"Remember to breathe." Callahan frowned harder before reaching up to the blindfold. He was sick of not being able to see. 

"Why do I need to remember to brea-" 

Gold letters in front of him shinned in his eyes. He felt his wings go straight as his whole body tensed. He practically felt his heart start beating way faster than it should. Was he going to die? Was it possible for his heart to beat clear out of his chest?

"Cal? You with me, baby?" He blinked away the layer of tears before focusing on the stupid dream weaver in front of him. 

"You asshole." He heard laughter behind him as he looked back to the gold letters in front of him. He felt Denver slowly take his hand as he met the gold eyes in front of him. He felt his breath catch again as the man in front of him slowly got on one knee. 

"When I was younger, my mother used to tell me love was fleeting. That it could come and go in a blink of an eye. My father agreed with her despite them both being in love all the time I was alive. The love I found, I pushed away. I fled from the one thing I loved more than life itself-" 

Callahan felt the tears run down his face. He couldn't move as Denver smiled up at him. 

"I'll forever regret walking away from you that day. We both are immortal so our promises aren't set in stone. So this...-"

Callahan choked as Denver formed a gold ring in his hand. It was an beautiful design filled with dream sand magic wrapped in a wood he knew all too well, purple and pink swirling through it. His mother had made that ring for his father. He glanced at Tooth to find her smiling through her own tears. 

"This is my oath that I will never walk away from you again. Only to you." He looked back down at Denver to find him smiling right back at him. 

"Will you marry me, Cal-" 

Denver grinned as Callahan grabbed his face, pulling him into a bruising kiss. He heard the cheers from their friends and family as they wrapped around each other. He pulled away from his lover to see those purple eyes filled with happiness and tears. 

"I can't believe I'm saying yes to marrying your annoying ass." He grinned before placing the ring on Callahan's hand. He felt magic flow through both of them as they kissed. He felt his power keep the dream sand words up above him. He knew they said the exact same words he did but he wanted it to be more. 

They had a wedding to plan.


cute, short, and a promise of a wedding chapter :)

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