Letter to a Ghost

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another small chapter to pair with "Elliot's Diary".

also what are some songs you guys would pair with a character or couple? Thinking of bringing back the song lyric chapters. 


The Other Side: Before the Fade

"You're not going to come back with us, are you?" 

"I can't. We both know I'll just get sick again. The Moon as already tried to heal me when he favored us the first time." 

"What about Elliot?" The older Pooka looked to the fields to see the little kit by himself. His ears were pinned since he watched many other Pookas start disappearing. He knew what was happening, that everyone was being brought back. That Jackson Bunnymund was the reason his family, his kit, got another chance at life.

"He'll be fine. You both will. It'll be different there." Elliot's mom looked up at her husband with tears in her eyes as he said goodbye. He'd be on this side waiting for them when they came back. She turned away when he went to kneel in front of their son. She couldn't watch them say goodbye to each other. 



Dante watched from the window as Elliot ran around with Jack Frost. 

His son had bloomed simply from the presence of the Winter spirit. He looked back down at the little diary sitting in front of him. He knew it was the power of Death and Manny that made him able to look through the little book that was written to him. He read through the last two entries he missed. Jack being attacked by nightmares wasn't a surprise.

He looked back up at the boys playing in the yard. He watched Jack run around but saw the exhaustion holding on to him. He watched the ghost of a woman smile at Jack as he ran around. He knew that was Emily Overland, Jack's mother. He knew that the man standing next to her was David Overland, Jack's father. 

He had met them before Elliot's even left the diary entry about how he hoped they were together. When the fade happened, he found himself with Jack's family. The Bennett family. Other members of North and Tooth's families. It was a mix of them who watched over the ones they had in the life side of things. 

"Jack's helping him grow out of his shell." He turned to find Death himself. The man reached out to him sometimes, bringing him to watch Elliot do something new. The day he spoke up against his bullies with the confidence from Archie when Jack was on the other side of the world working. 

"I'm happy for him. He needs that." He watched other kits come up to play with Jack. He frowned as he watched his old friends watch their kits single his own out. They were only focused on Jack to play. He felt his heart break as he watched Elliot slowly walk to the side. 

"Wait for it, Dante." He watched as Archie flew over the group before flying down, scooping Elliot up before flying away. He smiled as he heard the happy squeal come from his son. 

"Jack and Archie do everything they can to show Elliot he isn't alone. They treat him like their own." He watched as the Spring spirit flew Elliot around in the sky while Jack entertained the other kits. 

"We weren't ready to be parents. His mother loves him but she just-"

"She wasn't ready. I've heard her talk to Jack about it. I think your son may belong to someone else now." Dante glanced at Death as the man just smiled at him. He held his breath as Amelia walked through the door. He smiled as one of the other tribe males was with her. He knew she'd move on someone day, was prepared and happy for it.

"Does she know? That I read the journal?" Death looked at him before looking down at the book he held. They both looked back at Amelia as she started to make dinner. 

"She knows you're watching over Elliot. I haven't told her you can actually read the journal. That will just hurt her more if she knows you can still be active in their lives but didn't come back." Dante nodded before opening to the newest entry. He blinked when he saw a different handwriting on a piece of paper placed in between the pages instead of written down.

"I'd take that one with you." He looked up as Death winked at him before turning to leave.

Dear Dante,

Elliot gave me a pen and his little book to write to you. I asked Death if you could actually read this before I wrote it down. When he told me you did, I wrote it on a seperate piece of paper so Elliot wouldn't see it.

Elliot is doing better. He was so shy and quiet when I first met him. It took a while but then he didn't leave my side. I was fine with that. I know what it's like to be casted aside from people who should welcome you. He stays with me and Archie more than he does with Amelia, at first I thought it would upset her, but she didn't mind. Don't tell anyone I told you this but the more he grows, Ares told me the more he looks like you. I know she loves him but also I think it hurts her more to see you in him.

Elliot felt guilty the first time he accidentally called me Daddy. He cried for a long time, he felt like he betrayed you somehow. I had to tell him Bunny wasn't my actual Dad. Somehow that shocked him... Anyways. When I told him the story of how I have a real father but Bunny has become my other father here. I think it took him a few days to get what I was telling him. 

He calls me it more sometimes. He said as a joke the other day that Archie was his Dad along with me. I thought he was just kidding but then he kept calling him that. I talked to Amelia, she doesn't mind it. I know she loves him, I know you love him, but she's told me neither of you were prepared for a kit. 

I think I am though. I think Archie is.

I hope that's okay with you, Dante. I never want you to feel like I'm taking your spot. Do me a favor and tell my Dad I said hey. 

See you one day,
Jack Frost

Dante swallowed before glancing out the window. He watched Jack and Archie swing Elliot between them as they walked towards the Warren. He folded the letter before leaving. 

He'd be back sometime but...

He knew it was okay to stay away longer this time.


the next chapter will be happier :)

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