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It's not what you think of why Jack couldn't see Nicky. It's actually a very funny reason. Comedic relief for the pain that I plan to bring in many chapters later.

This is set two days after Nicky wakes up.

mature actions in the beginning ;)


Two Days Later

Archie leaned against the wall as he watched Jack pace back and forth. He was in charge of making sure his lover didn't leave the room. He knew that in the other side of the building, Seth was in trial with Man in the Moon, Seraphina, Bunny, and Death. Jack wasn't allowed outside of the room for now. 

"Andy was able to kill when Crystal was attacked, why can't I?" He watched Jack freeze the floor in layers. He was wearing one of Jack's hoodies to protect himself from the cold that was slowly freezing the room. He hated seeing Jack this irritated but he had to keep him in here. 

Jack Frost was many things but a killer was not one of them. There were deaths in Winter. There were deaths that happened around Frost. However, Jack Frost had never personally killed anyone. He had never had his mind set on killing another person with his bare hands. 

Andy had shed blood before. He had killed before with the intent to kill a person. 

"You can't kill him, mi amour. You'll regret it later on. We need to let the others handle it. You know by now that Seraphina and Bunny won't let this go down easily." He grew cautious as Jack glanced at him, his eyes so blue they were almost black. He felt the hair on his neck stand as nightmare slowly floated around the ice on the ground. 

Jack's full powers were kicking in. He needed to stop them before they got big enough to overpower himself. 

He pushed off from the wall, slowly walking up behind Jack with his back turned to stop him from walking. He needed to talk Jack down before-

"Don't touch me." He hid his wince from Jack has his cold hand wrapped around his wrist. He looked into the eyes of the one he loved to find him missing. The power of Winter was taking control. He took a deep breath before doing the only thing he knew how to do. There were two things that could take Jack's mind away from violence: someone fighting him or someone overpowering him. 

Archie didn't feel like fighting. 

*slightly mature scenes below*

Archie took a chance, placing his hand on Jack's lower throat and collar bone, before shoving him hard against the wall. He felt the cold in the room rush through him as he pinned Jack against the wall. He used his strength to keep him there as they stared at each other. 

"Get it together, Frost." He brought back the old tone he used to use when he spoke to Jack. He felt himself react when Jack curled his lip up in a snarl while pushing against him. He knew from Aster that Jack had a "feral" side. A side of him that reacted like an animal. It was hot. 

"Don't tell me what to do." Archie squeezed. He watched the blue he was so used to flash through the eyes as he leaned in closer. He never used his height against Jack since before they got close but now he needed to get his mind straight. He felt Jack swallow as his pulse was beating rapidly. 

"You're not a killer, Jack Frost, and I won't let you become one. So you're gonna sit here and be good." He turned him around, pushing him by the hold on his throat into the chair beside them. He made sure to block him in by locking his legs around Jack's knees. He braced his arms on either side as he hovered over the other. 

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