Elliot's Diary

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I'm trying out the scheduling posts thing so I hope this schedules right. These will be little chapters I do that will be placed throughout the book.

these will be moments in other chapters that are through Elliot's eyes into his "diary". I hope you guys like this type of chapter, I found it very cute to write.


First Time Meeting Jack

Dear Daddy,

I turned 5 today! Mommy and me spent time in Bunny's garden for my birthday. I know you always said that family is stronger than friends, but it kinda feels weird to see all the other kits with friends. They still don't like me. I didn't want to fight Chase but he insisted. That's when the strange boy came in.

I've seen him around with Bunny before. He always brings a cold with him. He looks different from other humans. His skin is pale and his eyes are very, very blue. He was the one who pulled Chase off of me. He picked me up and took me to the Warren so Liam could help me with the wraps that you used to wear when training got to rough.

Jack Frost is his name. I stayed quite with him because he made me nervous at first. He is the Chief's grandson. But then he asked me what my favorite color was. No one other than Mommy has cared to know that so I told him. It's blue now.

He made me an ice rose. It doesn't melt! And he made sure it was a deep blue through his magic.

I hope I see him again.


Dear Daddy,

Jack came back to see me. He stayed with me at the big tree I sit at to read. He said he likes hanging out with me. I didn't believe him until I heard him talking to Mommy. He was asking her what my favorite kind of books were. No one other than you and Mommy have asked that before. They heard me cry but I was trying not to. He gave me a big hug and held me for a while cause he knew what I was going through.

I miss you.

Jack makes it better though. He told me that he knows his Daddy is watching and he told me you're probably watching too. I hope you both are together so you aren't alone.


The Nightmare Attack of Jack

Dear Daddy,

The nightmares came again. Jack was attacked while we were ice dancing. He's okay. But...

I don't really want to talk about it.

I know now why we ran away the first time, Daddy. It was scary.

But Jack made it better again. I love you Daddy but I think he the Bunny in my life. His real Daddy is gone and Bunny is his Daddy now. I think Jack is mine.

I hope that is okay.


this was a short chapter, I know, but Elliot's other diary entries will be longer and happier.

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