Return of Summer & Spring

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*I've realized a mistake that I made in the last few chapters. Derek was the leader of the Summer before he passed it on to Marcus when he left.

derek and mary are back. and they aren't very happy with what they've returned to.


"It's gonna be quiet without you here." He looked away from the blank wall as he met the eyes of Mary. Her old features were more prominent today as she sat next to the hospital bed. He felt himself slipping away second by second. He was glad he finally got the kids to leave the room. 

Derek didn't want all of them to see him go. He reached a shaky hand out to the woman who had been by his side since they arrived in this small little town. Their hands met with old skin, her hands soft while his were rough. He looked up at her to find she wasn't crying.

"Not going to cry for me, sunshine?" He watched her smile, the grip on his hand tightening. 

"There's no reason for me to cry when I know I'll be right behind you." He laughed as he brought her hand up, laying a soft kiss on her knuckles. 

"I thought we already went over this, you'll be in heaven while I'll be living it up down there in hell. We can do century visits." He knew she didn't like this joke, but he couldn't resist telling it. He saw it in her eyes when she realized he was growing weaker. 

Derek watched Mary stand with the help of her cane as she leaned towards him with a smile. He felt his eyes slipping closed as her words fell over him like a warm blanket. 

"I love you. I'll be right behind you, Derek." 


Derek blinked away the bright light as he looked around. He was in a bright white room, the lights slightly hurting his eyes. It took him a minute to realize his hands weren't old and wrinkly anymore. 

He noticed then that his outfit was no longer a hospital gown, it was a red shirt with black pants. What was this?

"Derek, are you listening to me? " He jumped, turning to the young voice beside him. His eyes grew wide as he took in the boy next to him. He had never seen someone with that white of hair before. Something about those blue eyes were familiar. Was this someone he knew-

A pain shot through his head as memories rushed through his mind. He fell to his knees as all the memories of his past life, his life as a spirit, and his moments with friends hit him. He slowly remembered his life as the Summer Spirit leader. He looked up to find the Man in the Moon standing in front of him. 

"Welcome back, Derek." He nodded, slowly standing in front of the man. He felt it in his bones that something was up. Manny had told them they would immediately go back to their respected homes with their memories. 

"Manny. What's going on?" He watched the man sigh before he turned towards a box laying beside him. Derek watched Manny hold out a little ball of light that looked like a tiny TV as memories ran through it. 

"These are moments you need to catch up on before I send you back. Your help is needed for the next few days. Things are...not the best." 

Derek clenched his jaw before nodding, holding out his hand to take the memories. He watched the Man in the Moon hesitate. 

"Why are you hesitating?" 

"Because you are going to want to fight me for many things you've missed. And I am not in the mood for fighting you." 

Derek rolled his eyes before gripping the memories tight. He closed his eyes, taking in everything he had missed. He felt the area around them grow hotter and hotter as he watched further into everything that's happened. 

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