Four Horsemen

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I know that there are many definitions of the four horsemen in the world but in this story I'll give the meanings of the person to the horseman. 

Pestilence - Cypress
War - Pitch 
Famine - Derek
Death - Roy 

Their places will be explained as to why I've listed them like this. This isn't the part that I posted in "Upcoming", this chapter will be explaining why each person matches with the certain horseman. There will be short little moments proving their spot on what I'm creating and others will be a long explanation.  


a deadly and overwhelming disease that affects an entire community

There were many plague's in all the years of the world. The one they remembered vividly was, "The Black Death", the plague from the 1300's. 

Cypress visited the human lands a lot more in the past. They had a task sent from someone they had never seen. Go from land to land, visiting humans and let it happen. They didn't know what their were supposed to let happen.

"Are you an angel?" They looked down to find a little boy staring up at him. The little boy had boils on his face, pale as the snow covered land Cypress had just left a few days ago. They watched as the people around them fell ill. They had figured out the illness carried on their skin. They were the reason for new sicknesses showing up to people who had never been exposed to it. 

And for some reason, they felt nothing towards the harm of the human lives around them.

"No, I'm not an angel." They watched the little boy frown before a cough wracked his frame. Cypress caught the boy has he fell. They held the little body, for once feeling something other than confusion. They felt saddened by this. The air changed with a chill, a feeling of magic went through the air. 

"I-Is he an angel?" They looked up to find a man with dark blue eyes and white hair walking towards them. He carried beside him a staff with a snowflake carved in wood on the top. They could feel the power in the air as the man walked forward kneeling in front of them and the boy. A cold feeling like nothing he'd ever felt went over his human skin. 

"Close your eyes, kid. Everything will be better when you wake up." Cypress watched as the little boy listened, the man placing a hand on his forehead, a small dusting of ice going across his face in little patterns. They felt the minute the boy left this world.

"You are a carrier of this plague. They believe you're the first horseman, you are causing chaos and fear. It's attracting other deadly forces. Leave this land, let the people be." Cypress blinked as the little boy was taken away from him. 

"What is your name?" They asked. The man stopped, turning back to them with a cold look. They saw the man gripping the boy tight as if he was upset and needing something to hold in comfort.

"Hunt Frost, the Seasonal leader of Winter. Who are you?" Cypress had been told many times they couldn't reveal who they were. Their kind had disappeared from the Moon and the Nature's eye, protecting themselves. They knew what the man meant by the first horseman. It was their job to be all knowing of the things humans believed. 



symbolizes war & bloodshed

Ares Bunnymund cut down another nightmare. He looked towards the man controlling the fight, a tear falling from his eye as he took in what was once his bestfriend. He watched the Nightmare King take down Pooka's that he lived with for years, their friends and family. 

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