The Old Times

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A request from Hejka_tu_White , what if we see some old moments between just Jack and Bunny? I will say I miss just writing them sometimes. I'm gonna go as far back as writing moments between them in the very beginning of their friendship turned family.

The memory that Nicky saw from Jack and Bunny? Let me bring it in more detail from Bunny's POV. 

Sorry for no update last Sunday, life is kicking my ass lately. Like a whole ass kicking. Worse than Sandy beating up Pitch. 


2 Months after Pitch

Bunny sat at the round table in the Globe room as they waited for Sandy to arrive. North had decided each with there would be a Guardian's meeting for them to all see each other and to catch up. So for the last two months, they've come together every week.

Jack came every time. He'd laugh with Tooth, talk with North, share secrets with Sandy. He never really talked to Bunny though. It didn't bother him at first because Jack Frost was nothing but trouble, however the more he saw of the boy...

The more he realized just how wrong he was. 

"Cottontail? Hellooo?" Bunny blinked before swatting Jack's hand away that was in front of his eyes. He watched the boy lean back to stand straight as they just looked at each other. He noticed how the room was quieter without North. He looked around to find no one else was in the room.

"Where did everyone go?" He watched as Jack picked at his staff. He saw a nervousness cover the boy that he hadn't ever really seen. 

"I-I asked North to clear the room. I wanted to talk to you." Aster couldn't help but raise his eyebrows as he watched Jack settle on the chair across from him. What could Jack want to talk about?

"I want to apologize-" Bunny immediately sat up, ready to cut Jack off. He had nothing to apologize for. 

"-for what happened on Easter. I should've just taken Sophie back and then came right back to you guys." He shook his head. He watched confusion cover Jack's face as he refused to accept the apology. 

"If anyone has to apologize, it's me. We shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like we did. I shouldn't have raised my voice or..." Bunny swallowed. He flashed back to that moment many times in the last two months. The one where he slightly raised his fist at Jack right after the Easter incident. He remembered the fear flash in Jack's eyes. 

"It's okay, Bunny. It didn't really bother me." He met Jack's eyes as his ears tilted back. 

"Don't lie. Not to me, Frostbite." He watched the boy's fake smile fall as he went back to picking at the handle of his staff. They sat in silence for minute as if they were both trying to find the right words. 

"I had a moment where I thought you were gonna hit me. I was ready to accept it if you did. You had every right to, you thought I ruined your holiday. Got people to stop believing in you. I can't say I wouldn't be just as angry if I were in your shoes." 

Bunny swallowed down the thick emotions stuck in his throat, he didn't want Jack to feel like that. Under no circumstance or reason should he have raised his fist, no matter how mad he was. He could see in Jack's eyes though that the boy wouldn't believe anything else he said.

"Is this why you barely speak to me?" He watched Jack slump back in the chair. He waited patiently. Jack Frost was many things they had realized; fun, kind, energetic. The things Bunny realized that the others didn't see; insecure, emotional, lost. He waited as the boy got himself together. 

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