Roy's Saved Line

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Fair warning: this is going to be a short chapter since it's a short explanation really. Of course y'all know that the next chapters will probably be longer.

*Edit*: I realized there are two paragraphs that do not correlate so I've come in and changed it in case y'all get a notification.

there's a moment in the chapter "Four Horsemen" where it's talked about how Roy spared a woman because she was pregnant. I've been looking through old chapters to get inspiration for new chapters when I saw a conversation in the comments of this chapter between two of my most frequent readers, Christopher914 and Meggiechan2000 . It went like this-

"How much do you want to bet that's a jack line or sam's line" 
"I bet on what's left on my sanity on Sam"
"I'll take that bet"

Well...let's see whose family line Roy saved.



The cries of the humans around him echoed in his ears. He looked around through the red haze as he took in all the bodies of the people who had given their souls quickly. He wasn't death himself, but he was the closests to the reaper you could get.

"Please...spare us!" Roy looked down at the woman who was crying at his feet. He heard his brothers fighting behind him with humans who refused to go down, fighting for no reason, and his brothers would play with them like toys.

"Why should I spare you? You humans have done nothing to be spared for. Give me a reason." He watched the woman sob before she slowly crawled closer to him, placing a shaky hand on his foot. He met her tear filled eyes as she moved to her knees. He noticed her other hand was holding on to her stomach.

"I'm pregnant. Please, give my child a chance. Give me a chance!" Roy stared at her for a while before looking back to his brothers. They were doing horrible acts of violence. The woman at his feet would become a piece of meat if he didn't do anything.

Roy kneeled down in front of her, placing his hands on the nape of her neck. He let his magic go through to her, putting her in a deep sleep that wouldn't hurt her but it would keep her down until they left. He looked into her eyes.

"One day, I will come back for your family line. I will come back to see if you made your family worth sparing." 



Roy paced the edge of the barrier he had in the necklace. He threw a fist against the magic. Jack had left him again. He looked out at the room the necklace was in. Bunny had hung up the necklace in the living room. He took in the scene in front of him. 

Nicky, Alex, and Elliot were crying on the couch as Bunny explained to them Jack was with Manny somewhere and that he wouldn't be back for a while. Roy took in the boys as he ran a hand through his hair. He stared at the boy on the left, the features of the woman shining bright even this far down the family line. 

Nicky was the only one crying as he watched the boy wipe his tears. The boy named Alex was in a state of shock, he knew that one was most like Jack with how he gets quiet when a problem this big happens. Elliot was the reaction he didn't expect. 

It was the last boy that got Roy's attention. It was like Elliot knew something none of them did. He watched Sam walk up to the necklace as his old host put it on. It had been a long time since he had spoke to the man. 

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