Grown Up

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A request from Christopher914  We all know Jack keeps getting turned into his younger self, but what if he gets turned older?

let's all take a guess before continuing, who are the top 3 people who are gonna be most affected by an older looking Jack ------->

there will be some angst but also some happiness. a good mix.


"Do not touch anything in here unless I tell you too." Jack nodded. He walked the room slowly as Father Time led him through his house. Castle more like it. Hidden near Seraphina's place. He had never been in this one though. It was rare that Time even let him into his magic let alone near his home.

"You got your special spells in here, Time?" 

"Touch anything and I'll bury you early Jack Frost." 

"Say it again." Jack and Father Time turned away from their bickering to find Death himself standing in the corner. Seraphina sent him to watch over the two because she didn't trust that Father Time wouldn't spell Jack with something. 

"It's a joke, Reaper. Relax." He sent a glare towards Father Time. He didn't like that name for him. Only Time kept bringing it back from his own time in the Dark Ages. Pitch had a good time then but he had his worst time. 

"Continue with the tour Time before I get bored." Jack shook his head, he was not in the mood to play mediator between these two. He followed as the old man in front of him took him through all his rooms of magical objects he had made or found throughout the centuries of him being alive. 

"Why do you just have a 22 block in here?" 

"I don't know Jack, why don't you press it?" Death's eyes widened before he tried to stop him. He knew what that button was. He reached out to grab Jack before the other could press it but he was to late. He covered his eyes as a flash of blue went through the room. 

There was a moment of silence before he watched Jack slowly turn to a grinning Father Time. 

"Really?" Death was glad Jack's voice stayed the same at least. 

Father Time bent over with a loud laugh as his joke went through. Death put his hand on his forehead as he sighed. They were centuries old yet Time acted like he was still a teenager when it came to practical jokes.


Archie and Marcus spoke quietly as they sat at one of the workshop tables. Everyone was at the Pole as they waited for Jack and Death to get back. They all had a dinner tonight with Manny. He apparently had something to talk about. There was never a time that Manny didn't have something to talk about. 

"Where is Jack today?" Marcus asked. 

"He's with Father Time. They were supposed to visit his place today. Jack wanted to see his old treasures." 

Marcus was about to ask about how Bunny was. Everyone knew by now that Aster and Lily were on a break. He knew that something had happened between him and Jack because of that. He didn't get the chance as the door flew open. 

"I don't know what you're so upset, Reaper. It's not like you touched it." 

"I'm upset because you told him to do it!" They watched Death and Father Time bicker back and forth as they headed towards the main room where Seraphina was currently talking to North about something. Marcus waited for Jack to walk in behind them but there was nothing. He looked over to Archie to see his friend frowning at the door. 

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