Prompt Ideas

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guess who has covid? me. Guess who is back to feeling like her entire body is rebelling against her? me. So guess who is writing to distract herself from that feeling? Me. There will still be an update on Sunday but think of this as a mid-week gift.

This is a type of chapter y'all have seen me do before. I'm going to write the first paragraph or two of a chapter that I have written and I want y'all to comment on which you would want to see next or something close to it. Yes I have request written in between but I want to see what y'all think of these. 

Now, a big reminder, angst will be more angsty, mature will be more mature, and nothing is out of bounds anymore. Now I won't go into big details on anything but it will be there. 


Caught in the Act

"Now is not the time for you to speak!" Jack bit his nail as he watched Seraphina pace back and forth. He was watching everything unfold silently, he didn't even really know what was going on. The only thing he could find was that happened was what he was seeing. 

Mother Nature was pissed. April was leaning against the table in front of her. Katie was turned towards the windows. Marcus was sitting in the chair with his legs bouncing. Stray and Noah were whispering in the corner. Whatever was going on was between all of them, he just didn't know. He just couldn't figure out what it was. 

It wasn't until he noticed that the shirt on Katie's body was definitely not hers...


Brother Against Brother

"Stop!" Crystal screamed as Andy and Nick threw fist at each other. The other Seasonals were trying to get through to them but with their own magic, they were blocking everyone from getting to them. She watched Andy slam Nick into the ground. 

"You sick bastard! How could you do that!" 

"I didn't do anything!" Crystal tried to break free of April's hold to stop them as Nick slammed a fist into Andy's face to get him off. 

This was all her fault. 


A Bennett's Down

Jack stared at the double doors. His body was numb as he listened to Cupcake explaining everything to him. He clenched his jaw before nodding to her words. 

"They need you, Jack." 

He walked past the doors where the women in the scrubs couldn't see him. He walked past the room where he heard a newborn baby. He walked past a room where he heard a family saying goodbye to their older loved one. He somehow made it to the door that held what he knew was going to be another sight burned into his immortal brain. 

"We aren't sure what will happen next, little brain activity has been shown so far but-" Jack's ability to comprehend went out the window as he walked into the hospital room, holding what would be his next nightmare. 


The Nightmare Queen vs. The Chieftain's Wife

Pitch watched from the tree he was tied to as Eleanor and Emily fought each other. He couldn't get out of the sand that held him. He looked to his right to see Ares wrapped in Eleanor's vines in her own magic. 

He looked over the land of the Burrow to see everyone had run to hide. He felt helpless as he saw Jack knocked out, hit on accident from their fight. He knew both would take the guilt like a punch once they realized it. He took in how Aster had told Lily to run but risked the wrath of Eleanor to stay with his son. 

This was a disaster. 


A Proposal...

"You're gonna propose!" 

"I'm planning to."

"When? Where? With what ring?" He watched the other go on and on. He let them ramble. He still didn't know the answer to any of the questions himself, but he knew he was going to do it. 



Seraphina looked down at the bag of white pills she had found. Her eyes burned with unshed tears as she looked up to Death. He looked just as distraught as she did. 

"What do we do?" She watched him look to the bed where they laid, high to the point of passed out, before looking back to her. 

"We need to summon Jack here. He's the only one who can talk to them." 


Ocean Trip

"No snacks?" Cypress turned to glare at the brown haired Summer spirit in his home. Somehow, Marcus Flare had found a way into his underwater home. It was a weird set up, half the home in water with the other half like a regular house.

"This is the third time you've been here. I'm gonna begin to think you like me." They watched Marcus just smile while shaking his head. 

"Nope. Just interested in your life. I didn't exist. And now you do. So I wanna know." 

They glared at him for a minute before turning to leave. 

"I'm just gonna wait for you to get back! Jack's coming later too!" They slammed the door, a big laughing echoing behind it. 


You're Losing Me

"What's going on?" He couldn't handle the worry in Jack's eyes. He looked down at the pictures that showed their love, showed what wasn't there anymore. 

"I think the end of us is near. We aren't the same anymore. I think...I think we need a break." 

Jack discreetly wiped the tear off his face before sitting down beside the other. He leaned his head on to their shoulder before taking their hand in support. He felt a fear that was dormant inside of him lately come to life. Love was dangerous and painful. He was tired of being in pain...


The Love of a Father

Archie watched from a distance as a kit ran to their father. He remembered what that was like, to run to his father. It had been so long since he even thought about his mortal life. The more he stayed in the Warren to see how happy the kits were, the more he felt he needed to run and hide. 

"It's hard to see it after not having it for so long." He jumped, the voice behind him startling him. He turned to see Aster walking up behind him. He swallowed before looking back to the kits. He had been slowly opening up to Jack's father figure. 

" is." He watched the families play, a paw coming to rest on his neck in a sign of comfort. He was getting used to that too. He looked up as Bunny smiled down at him. 

Archie smiled back. 


alright guys, these chapters are pre-written as always but I need the feedback. Which ones are we wanting to see first? 

Are we wanting angst next? More happiness? Some sentimental ones? Let me know in the comments. 

More special chapters like this, small little ones, may happen as a thanks for you guys <3

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