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A request from SerpentOfEden69 , something from Archie's past comes up that causes him to fall back into an old bad habit. Will Jack be able to comfort him like he needs? I've changed it up to be more angsty and allow it to be open to add on more to your request. I hope that's okay.

I will be describing in detail what my characters look like this time. I can't really remember if I ever have done this but I'm going to now. I've been asked to put a description to my characters. 

A new possible? villian will be introduced. If he gets the attention and you all want a backstory.

Also, I was asked for this update to "tear my heart out and shred it" by a reader. So here it is, I warned y'all that the angst would be PAINFUL. 


800 Years Ago

"Today, I will be picking the new leaders of our Seasons." 

Everyone was watching Mother Nature as she stood over all of them on the balcony of her castle. Every single Seasonal and Sprite was there. The Guardians of Childhood were there, Father Time, and more. This was a big ceremony that only came every once in a while. The last group of leaders became power hungry and tried to overthrow Mother Nature. 

Of course, they didn't win. No one had ever won against Seraphina. If their world was a kingdom, she was the overall queen. 

"Marcus Fall." Everyone turned to the brown headed boy hiding in the corner, the sunset reflecting off his light brown skin. He was a boy chosen by Seraphina 300 years ago from Portugal, who was committed to caring for his family's farm all by himself as his own relatives weren't as loving as they should've been. His love for the summer season and caring nature was what called to Seraphina. 

Marcus walked up to the stage like structure under the balcony in front of the crowd. They all watched as he turned with his shy nature to the people. The sunlight covered his body as the crowd watching a bright red string flow from Mother Nature to him. 

"You are the Head of Summer. Will you accept this position?" Everyone held their breath. Marcus only had a few select friends. Would he accept such a big position?

"Y-yes. I accept the position as Head of Summer." There were cheers across the crowd as he stepped to the side of the stage, standing under the sun symbol. 

"Archie Fall." The crowd turned to the blonde French boy who was chosen only 200 hundred years ago. He showed back up with Seraphina as she had went into the human world. No one really knew why he was chosen, all they knew was there was a connection between him and Mother Nature. 

Archie slowly walked up to the stage, his eyes only on Mother Nature as he made his way to the stage. He turned to the people as he smiled. His smile made the girls and some boys weak in the knees as his confidence filled the stage. 

"You are the Head of Spring. Will you accept this position?"

"Yes I do." Cheers echoed through the air. 

"Katie McConnell." The young girl from Ireland, chosen 350 years ago. She was chosen for her caring nature towards the animals around her home when the cold season started to show. She held a love for Fall that Mother Nature took to. She was chosen after falling ill with a sickness none of her family had seen. Seraphina took her in. 

Everyone watched as the blonde girl skipped to the stage, turning to the people with waves and a bright smile. 

"You are the Head of Fall. Will you accept this pos-" 

Rise of the Guardians One-shots pt.3Where stories live. Discover now