All Together Again

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this is the start of the story. let's come back with some fluff and a chapter of the Guardians all together. but you know me, I gotta add something angsty to get through. 

This is set 6 months after "You Love Me?" since that was the last chapter I wrote in a present tense. This is going to be told half from North's POV and half from Marcus's POV, it will give a recap of things that wasn't explained in the ending of the last. It will also be a lot of catching up on things that have happened in the six months so it will seem fast. I plan to write out the things in upcoming chapters.

somethings will be surprises ;)


"Touch me and die." 

North put a hand over his eyes as he heard Pitch's threat. He looked through the cracks in his fingers to find Callahan grinning as he had his foot inches from the Nightmare King as they shared the long couch. For some reason, Callahan had picked Pitch to annoy for the past week. He looked to the side to find Denver rolling his eyes from his place on one of the many couches around the room.

The room was busy with yetis getting things together for a party that was happening in a few days for Tooth's birthday. Today was also the first time everyone would be back in one room. With how many things that happened in the last few months, they all deserve a break. His breath still caught a little at the sight of Jack. 

The boy stood at one of the tables without his hoodie. The Bunnymund mark decorated his forehead while the warrior stripes sat on his arms. Ever since he woke up and returned to the Warren, the other members of the tribe treated him differently. Treated him like the Chief's son.

There was also a new look in Jack's eyes. A peaceful but somehow older look in his eyes. As if he came to terms with the conflict he always had in the past. He was still a firecracker but calmer now.

It was the other new part of Jack that made his breath catch. The fight between Jack and Archie ended with both of them going into a sleep. They woke up just fine. Jack's check ups were all normal. It wasn't until a week after when they noticed the change. 

"Jackson, get control of your pets." He saw the baby mare and the real puppy chasing each other around the couch. The horse had a real form made by soft ice and a shimmer of black, the eyes a rare color of blue and yellow somehow mixing to be pretty. None of them were happy when it was found out a single mare that favored Jack had a hand in saving him by fighting from the inside. It stayed.  

Jack Frost would forever have a hand in the Nightmare King's power. Not enough to be evil but just enough to take control of the sand if he wished. Along with the little mare he had complete control of.

"Denver, get control of your boyfriend." He watched Callahan snickering as he threw a paper ball at the side of Pitch's head. North was having a hard time keeping watch on the antics in the room. He chose to look back as Jack created toys through his ice with intense concentration.

"You're not going to be laughing when I sand this thing." He watched Jack give his signature little smile before he started to ignore Denver. North knew that Denver would never do anything to the little mare that pranced around. It wasn't evil. It was like a pet along with the puppy. 

"Loki, Silver, go lay down." That sentence with a snap of his fingers, Jack's puppy and baby mare took off to their corner the held their beds and food bowls. The tibetan mastiff wasn't much older than a month but still large. Archie had found it abandoned in the woods. He had planned to drop it at a shelter somewhere but couldn't part with it once he saw it had blue eyes like Jack. 

"Kit! What did you do with the book that I gave you earlier!" He turned to Aster's voice. The Easter Bunny was sitting at one of the tables with Sam as they went over protection spells. Both men had vowed to find a solution to keep Jack from continuously getting in trouble with evil. Another found partnership that was a little surprising considering their past.

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