The Kids

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by the most comments on the introduction, here is a Jack and Archie chapter + their adopted kids. moments where Jack and Archie are the parents in the situation to their adopted ones or other young believers. 



Nicky & Alex

Archie blinked up at the ceiling in their room as he felt a lump beside him move around. He blinked again before looking down to his chest to find that it wasn't Jack's arm across him, it was Nicky. The boy had done this before when he had nightmares. Archie ran a hand over Nicky's hair as the boy moved around again. 

"Well, why did the two of you think that was a good idea?" 

Archie looked over to find Alex laying beside Jack on the other side. Jack was listening half asleep as Alex rambled quietly about something. Archie could see the rash of red around Alex's eyes and cheeks that only showed up when he cried. He watched the two speaking quietly. If the two boys were here, that meant something had happened. 

"What's going on here?" He questioned quietly. He felt Nicky cuddle closer to him as he tightened his hold on the boy's shoulders so he felt safe. Jack turned to him with sleepy blue eyes, Alex sitting up to meet his eyes. He took in the boys red brown eyes. He felt Nicky move around before he looked down to meet the second pair of red brown eyes. 

"The boys here decided to watch scary movies at a friends house. In the dark. With no adults." Archie raised an eyebrow as Nicky shivered as if the word made him remember whatever he dreamed. He met Jack's eyes as they came to a silent decision. He wrapped an arm around Nicky as Jack wrapped an arm around Alex as they put both boys in between them. 

"Focus on my breathing." He told Nicky. He could hear Jack whispering to Alex as they both slowly convinced the boys to go back to sleep. He watched as both of them slowly relaxed into sleep. 

He looked up to find Jack looking at him with a smile. He smiled back before they locked hands above the boys in a protective bubble. 



"Why can't I go?" Jack looked down as Elliot sent him puppy dog eyes. He was going to the southern states of America to help Marcus and April with a Seasonal problem. He was already risking himself since it was so hot there. April needed him to give a cold front right after the storms she gave to try to even out the weather. Try being the key word. 

"Because it's too hot. You need to stay here with everyone else." He knew it was coming. Tears filled Elliot's eyes. It never changed. If he left the Warren to go help someone else, Elliot broke down thinking he would be in danger. He hated the tears, but with Elliot he was starting to have to get used to it.

"What's going on over here?" He turned to find Archie walking up the hill. He smiled at the sight of the Spring leader wearing one of his hoodies.

"He's leaving and won't take me with him!" Jack winced at Elliot's cry. He watched Archie look between them before getting his words together. 

"Well he isn't taking me with him either. He said I couldn't go." Jack put a hand on his forehead as he heard Elliot gasp like he those words had physically hit him. Archie was about to make it to where they both could go. Archie wasn't happy with only Jack going alone to meet with Marcus and April. 

"Quit it, both of you. Silver is going with me. I'll be fine. I'll be quick as a bunny." He ignored Archie's snort at the last statement. He watched Elliot sniff before the little kit let go of his leg to attach to Archie's leg. He looked up to find the green eyes of Spring set on him, a small smile coming with it. 

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